Should I go it alone?


Full Member
Anyone who has seen my posts will known that I struggle with the whole 'diet' thing and general relationship with food. At the moment I currently attend meetings and use to find them helpful but of late I don't. The leader has changed every week for the last 5 weeks and still don't know when a permanent one will be appointed to the group. I don't feel motivated when I leave there just frustrated at having to explain issues medical conditions etc with yet another leader.

I'm wondering whether I really could manage to do it on my own with just the help of you lovely people for support and the necessary kick up the butt that I often need! Thinking it may also help take the pressure off a bit so I feel less guilty if I do go off track.

My monthly pass isn't up until mid September but it's definitely something I'm going to consider

Dan x
Is there another meeting close by that you could change too?
I'm not sure you give anything long enough, you do switch between plans and diets quite often (not criticising, just an observation). Though I understand it's frustrating you don't have a permanent leader.

As ETanny suggested, can you go to another meeting that does have a permanent leader and try that for a few months?

I tried doing WW at home and I sucked. I need the support of the meetings and the weigh in every week to keep me on track.
If you're not getting what you need from your current meeting I would say leave and either try another meeting or go it alone.

I think you need to have a look at why things are a struggle for you at the moment. Is it the idea that you can have things on other diets that you feel you can't have on WW? Or is it your expectations regarding your weight loss? I used to chop and change diets all the time cos I wasn't losing weight fast enough, even though I was losing 1-2 lbs a week!! Now I'm much more realistic, the weight didn't go on overnight, it won't come off overnight either. It's just a matter of keeping at this until I see the weight I want on the scales. That might be in six months or a year but I will get there! I know if I don't stick to WW then in that six months or a year I will still be unhappy with my weight.