Sick, Dizzy All The Time, Can Anyone Help?


Full Member
Really suffering from sickness and dizzyness all day at the mo. manage all 3 shakes but by early evening feel sooo rough that I have to eat. Is is low blood sugar? dont know what up with me but any advice would be welcome. Drink 5-6 litres water too every day. NEVER had this b4 on restart.
Hi Kathryn
my sister has just started the diet and is reporting the same symptoms. My initial thoughts were that it was low blood sugar as she did not take her shakes at regular intervals and only had half a banana tetra as it made her feel sick.My advice to her was to split her packs so she had six half packs rather than three whole ones.My logic was that she would be taking in the same amount of nutrition but on a more regular basis thereby evening out the dips in her blood sugar.She hasn't phoned back so I don't know how successful this strategy has been.
