Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hiya Lily, hope the OH's childish rant isn't p'ing you off as much as the previous incident :)

Thanks a lot for the info on the zumba game, going to nab it later this week after payday. I think my son will like it too as he's into Just Dance so it should be a fun activity to do together, if we can find the floor space lol

I'm craving your chicken dhansak again but I'm doing the green week challenge this week, got to wait until the next weekend now :d'oh:

Btw should I be keeping the chutney in the fridge once I start a jar or is it okay to leave in the cupboard? x

Oh's an idiot and one day hopefully he'll realise what I realised donkey years ago....but I don't want to talk about him, I want to forget about him for now actually lol.
I love that Chicken Dhansak I have to say of all the curries I have tried it's by far my favourite, whether it's shop bought or home made.
Hun as long as it's kept in a cool darkish place away from sunlight and in a well sealed jar or container, the chutney can stay in the cupboard for up to 3 months, that's where I keep mine, I only have a small fridge so no space for my jars lol
*runs in and waves*

shouldn't you be in bed? ;)
*runs in and waves*

shouldn't you be in bed? ;)

Lol I was in bed when you wrote that, my broadband had gone down and I was bored, it's obviously back up and running, but only just...don't you just hate it when that happens....they get to dictate my life lol xx
Good morning Lily and hope its a good one for you . How are you feeling now? we just have to rise above these childish men sweetie, my house seems to be full of them at the moment, remain firm and they will soon grovell :8855:

I really should move as have tonnes to do today. Uniforms to iron, work to do, etc etc xxxxxxxxxxx
Good morning Lily and hope its a good one for you . How are you feeling now? we just have to rise above these childish men sweetie, my house seems to be full of them at the moment, remain firm and they will soon grovell :8855:

I really should move as have tonnes to do today. Uniforms to iron, work to do, etc etc xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi hun, was feeling like crap (and yes I spelt it the right way cos I don't care could be worse especially after the few days I've had oh and also cos I'm always the rebel :8855:), but had another go at his lord-ship this morning about how I don't deserve to be treated like he's been treating me, and yes I know as he said it's because he's not coping too well with the giving up smoking, but it's a bit hard to take when he's being Mr sweetness and light with everyone else in the house....told him I know where he's coming from cos he said I was a B*tch when i gave up and I remember him telling me that, so what I did was every time I felt wound up, I went and sat in the bedroom, or toilet or bathroom anywhere where I didn't have to be round them until I'd calmed down. And funnily enough he had one of those light bulb on it goes....oh yes he says sorry i'll try that next time...but I wasn't stupid enough to just let that one get by me oh I said, yeah but you were really sorry the other night and that was soon forgotten and I'm not putting up with it, either get over it or go till you get back to normal, cos I don't deserve being treated and spoken to like that...we'll see what happens ...fingers crossed
He grovels all the time hun, but I am sick to the back teeth of having to go through it every 2 minutes, last time he gave up I took it for 7 weeks, then he started smoking again. I can't stand him near me while he's smoking and I'm sick of his coughing and keeping me awake....but I'm not going to put up with it this time for another 7 weeks or more, he has to learn to control it...when he's on top form you won't find a nicer sweeter person on the planet, but take away his comfort blanket (the cigarettes) and he is really Mr Nasty makes Simon Cowell look like a pussy cat, really venomous and spiteful and picky beyond belief.
The other day he was being exceptionally nasty about my Psoriasis and how debilitating it is ...that's not him he was striking out but it hurt really bad and I am not going to let him or anyone for that matter speak to or treat me in that way ever!!
Ok that feels better for having got that off my chest, sorry didn't mean to go on but sometimes I just want to speak to people who actually don't know him and can't actually condemn him, but will listen to me and give advice about the situation and not about him, if that makes sense?
Oh and of course because I have been really upset I found myself comfort eating, not really bad as I would have been in the past, but I did go through 1/4 of a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream, luckily had enough syns to cover it ...just but I know that I can't eat stuff like that cos it affects my losses...oh well plenty of exercise has hopefully helped and we'll see what the scales say tomorrow, can't even have a peak on my own scales cos the batteries are gone and I don't have spares lol xx
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Does this mean no actifry??!! ;)

Bl**dy men are useless...he could have at least got you that before being an A*se again, I was looking forward to hearing what you thought of it...I would love to get one but think Hubby will moan at me for buying yet another kitchen thing :rolleyes:
Does this mean no actifry??!! ;)

Bl**dy men are useless...he could have at least got you that before being an A*se again, I was looking forward to hearing what you thought of it...I would love to get one but think Hubby will moan at me for buying yet another kitchen thing :rolleyes:

Not sure about the Actifry right now, but if I get my way and I nearly always do, I'll have it here toot sweet lol
Haha Mal's the same with kitchen gadgets, moans his head off it's a waste if I don't use it every single day this space lol xx
Right since writing that,^^ Mal has come back from the shops and is very apologetic again hmmm we'll see anyway he has offered to buy me the Actifry, but I am still humming and haring whether I actually want one...I like the idea of them but I do have a slow cooker and a steamer and a food processor and to be honest he's right it probably wouldn't get used that much, so do I want to take up the space with it, so after a little chat and thought I suddenly came across something I do actually want and really need to be honest, more than the Actifry, so I am having a new dinner service as I have found the exact one I want, which is really weird cos I have been looking for about 2 years for one that I really like and want. To top it all we both actually agree on it, not something we often do, I usually get what I want lol, so he has popped out to see if they have it in stock and hopefully will have my new dinner service within the hour :woohoo:...this does not however excuse his actions of the few previous days, so he's not out of the dog house just yet xx
Not sure about the Actifry right now, but if I get my way and I nearly always do, I'll have it here toot sweet lol
Haha Mal's the same with kitchen gadgets, moans his head off it's a waste if I don't use it every single day this space lol xx

Mine too moans his head off, but I always get what I want in the end, when I get any kitchen gadgets he wants to have ago aswell, thinks he knows better, but he can't cook. :eat:' men hay', you hold out strong lily he will come round in the end,:flowers: The Actifry is a very good buy you will use it alot I promise you.

Jane xx
Right since writing that,^^ Mal has come back from the shops and is very apologetic again hmmm we'll see anyway he has offered to buy me the Actifry, but I am still humming and haring whether I actually want one...I like the idea of them but I do have a slow cooker and a steamer and a food processor and to be honest he's right it probably wouldn't get used that much, so do I want to take up the space with it, so after a little chat and thought I suddenly came across something I do actually want and really need to be honest, more than the Actifry, so I am having a new dinner service as I have found the exact one I want, which is really weird cos I have been looking for about 2 years for one that I really like and want. To top it all we both actually agree on it, not something we often do, I usually get what I want lol, so he has popped out to see if they have it in stock and hopefully will have my new dinner service within the hour :woohoo:...this does not however excuse his actions of the few previous days, so he's not out of the dog house just yet xx

The Dinner service sounds lovely, ask for the Actifry for christmas, you will definatly use it. xx
The Dinner service sounds lovely, ask for the Actifry for christmas, you will definatly use it. xx

Oh I would love the Actifry for Xmas, but I have already asked for the Pandora Bracelet and about 10 charms lol they are going to cost him £200+ as it is. Because of my skin complaint I can only really wear Gold, but I have decided to give the Silver one a try, even if I only wear it occasionally, it's there to remind me of my achievement lol...I will get the Actifry but just have to work on when and with him being retired now, Money is a little tighter so I need to be patient which is actually my middle name lol xx
Going to put up pics in a mo of my new dinner service, it's very pretty xx
Dinner Plate
Side plate
Wine Glasses

That's 8 of each....but no cereal/dessert bowls so going to have to search for similar or matching ones xx
thats really nice lily, i like the wine glasses.

my hubby is a grump always has been can be sooooooooooooooo negative at times its a pain in the arse
doesn't stop you loving them does it,
my mum used to say to us when we were being a pain I don't have to like you to love you and i get days when i know exactly what she meant lol
enjoy your dinner service xx
Love the dinner service hunni very nice:) haven't been around much for the last few days of the school hols so wanted to send you some cyber hugs:hug99:xx
Very elegant set - would make the ham, chips, egg and beans bake look rather posh lol

I got a pandora bracelet from my to-be mother-in-law a few years ago, it's really beautiful but I don't wear it very often. Aiming to wear it more when I'm a bit smaller so it fits a little looser. She buys me a few charms every christmas - I got three last year and they got lost, possibly thrown in the bin as they were wrapped up in tissue paper :cry:
Hubby is an ogre without his cigarettes isn't he? Poor you. I hope the negativity gets out of his system ASAP and apologises and makes it up to u. It's horrible when you fight..

Dinner set looks lovely :)