Sick of people opinions!

Ah you see, the comments don't annoy me. Especially when the girl who sits next to me at work is doing LighterLife, eating disgusting smelling soups and i'm tucking into my wonderful food. Her comments just make me smile :)

Know exactly how you all feel! I'm part of a theatre group and I'm surrounded by divas and drama queens who pass snide comments about the amount of food I eat-when they 'have to live on salad and water in the run up to the shows so they don't look fat in their costumes! I just wanna poke their eyes out with rusty nails!! And I'm not a violent person!!!
Curvesncurls, how DID you respond to such a rude comment?

I was stunned - just smiled and went on with the meeting. What could you say? Tried to take the compliment and pass no remarks!
I stayed a in laws over the weekend and was asked if I wanted a crumb for my breakfast ( instead of her cooked breakfast with oil)!!!
She also went to great lengths to point out in a book that you can have oil when you cook pasta. Was a struggle not to say "yes I know, but I choose not to use". Don't get me wrong, love her to bits but it peeved me right off!! She seemed to be nicer to me when I was much larger.
On the good side of it - I am a size 10 on top and now (still a little tight) a size 10 on the bottom!

Haha - Hand me some carbs and some x light cheese and I shall eat it in front of them in my size 10's :)
Nobody know I'm following a healthy eating plan except my OH, whom is really supportive, you lovely guys & girls on here, and my friends at class.....
I get no awkward moments, if I'm offered something I don't want, I politely decline, and any any comments at about why are you not eating this or that, or " oooh you've lost weight, are you on a diet?" is answered as, "no, I'm just cutting out the junk"
That's it, no need for explanations....

The only time it get's a little awkard is down the pub, if I'm drinking diet coke and not beer, I must be driving, or on antibiotics...apparantly, so I just go with the, oh, trying to cut back a bit, or, had enough last week.