Since January I've tasted the following flavours...

You sure can :) impressive xx
How is ur weight loss? If u don't mind me asking? :) x
Haha thanks. It makes me laugh more than anything as it's so surreal.

No of course not, I have done 8 weeks & lost 32lbs, probably more as I was weighed 5 days before starting the diet & had a massive blow out weekend before.
AnnieAnnie said:
Chocolate tetra
Choc mint bar
Orange water flavouring

If I can do that I can do anything :)

Annie, you my dear are going to be my inspiration come Monday when I embark on the SS train.

Fab post x
32lbs is amazing- well done you!!! Just shows where determination can get you! I'll be following in ur footsteps too! :) x
Hee hee you just made me think of what i have tasted since january and its Tetra's,bars,water and toothpaste and agree with you 1 million percent if i cud do this i cud do anything =D Great post.