Six Stone To Lose?


Staff member
Hi all,

I was just wondering has anyone got six stone to lose???
Why?? :)
Because I was just thinking... six stone to lose seems to be a very popular amount of weight that people want to lose and I was just wondering did it hold true for here on MiniMins.

I know when I set out on my weight loss journey I did not think of all my weight in one big number but smaller ones that I could cope with and when I lost my first three stone I then was able to look so forward to losing the next three stone...

And now I nearly have ....six stone off!!!

And would love to lose half that amount again, 3 stone...

Would really love to have nine stone off before I hit New Year:rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
Actually the title of my thread on DH when I started this journey was New to VLCD's - 6 stone to lose and WOW 6st11lb later......................oh boy do I feel good :D :D :D

Here's what I wrote on day one.......

Hi I'm new to these forums and new to VLCD.

Day One on CD.

Had a bar for brekkie - not like any choccie bar I've eaten before - not nasty but definitely an aquired taste - still not a bad thing as I only ate half before work and had the other half mid morning when I felt a bit hungry. Chose a shake for lunch - the cartons are sooo small, but it was really yummy. Just had vegetable soup for dinner -was better than I expected. Been drinking loads of water - thought that would be difficult but it's been ok so far.

Decided to give CD a try after doing healthy eating plans on and off for the last 14 years (that was the last time I got to target!!) with varying success. The most I've lost in that time is 4 stone and it was a really slow process - good loss I know, but still left me with at least another 4 to lose.

Over the last year the weight has been creeping back on and since Christmas I've just piled on more - am now 2stone up again so need to lose about 6. I know the hardest job is maintaining, but I really need to get there first.

Been lurking on here for a while and finally plucked up the courage to get started. Have been very inspired by how well some of you are doing and I'm hoping CD will help me get it off quite quickly too.

Must admit I wasn't too sure I'd make it at the beginning - I'd tried just about every other diet out there lol - think my middle name was 'yo-yo' and I must have lost and regained the same 4 stone too many times to count over the past 40yrs.

If anyone wants to join in and get that 6 stone off I'll be more than happy to share my experiences with you along the way....................HONESTLY guys if I can do it YOU DEFINITELY CAN.

I'll second that. I had 6 stone to lose too and if somebody had told me at my lowest point in March when I felt I had to give up horse riding at 17 1/2 stone because I physically couldn't do what I wanted to that just 6 months later I'd be healthy and happy again I would have cried at their cruely. :mad:

These ladies on the front of the women's magazines seemed a million mile better than I was but sddenly I found myself joining their ranks.

The wonderful thing about minimins as that there are people at all different stages of their journeys and all are ready and willing to support. :D
I agree that 6stone is certainly a popular figure....I initially lost just over 6 stone a couple of years ago and right now could certainly lose about 3 stone now....

Congrats to Demon and others who have made it....phase 1 is over and heres to an enjoyable and inspiring phase 2 (maintenance)....good luck guys!! :) xx
At least 6 stone here too! A few years ago (after losing 6 stone before), I was 11.3 stone and looking back I was the perfect size for me (although at the time I still thought I was too fat). I was 17st13lbs at WI on Tuesday night. So if I'm looking at 6st10lbs to lose.... :eek:

Very encouraging to read all these stories of women who have succeeded! :)
If I can lose 6st that will give me a bmi of 22 which would be wonderful. Did get there once but then had another baby (Sound familiar?) and piled it all back on. After 10 years of trying every diet going I'm really optimistic I can do it with CD. Already lost 18lbs in 2 weeks, I've set myself a goal of 21lbs by Bonfire night (5lbs of that gone) and would love to have lost 3st by Christmas which would make me merely overweight!
Oh to be overweight!!!!!:D
Jin x
WELL DONE you jin on losing 18lbs in 2 weeks

LOL indeed the joy of only being overweight :D :D :D

How much I wanted to be able to say that when I started - I was BMI 41.3 which Cambridge rather politely called Super Obese..........lovely :( CD is absolutely the best diet I've ever done and it's amazing how FANTASTIC it makes you feel getting that weight off soooo quickly by comparison with any other plan.

Even better being in the 'normal' range and hey it won't be long before that's exactly where you'll be
Hi all
I have 6 more stone to lose, have lost just over 2 and am now on my first week of my restart!
Get weighed on wed, cannot wait as i've managed ss 100%!

Brill to hear from others who've lost a lot! Well done to you all!
Thanks Demon
I notice that you were about the weight that i am now, please can you give me an insight as to what its like to be 9st 3? My ultimate goal is 9st 7 and I really cant imagine what it would be/feel like!

Sounds really silly when you write it down, but have you reinvented yourself? I mean I only ever wear really oversized baggy clothes that hide everything, jeans and a jumper with trainers. I dont know where i'd start -I'd need a new image! Bit scary really!
Hiya Mini - i HAD 6stone to lose....but pleased to say it's now ONLY 3.5 stone !! YAY :D :D

feels good.....nearly half way there !
please can you give me an insight as to what its like to be 9st 3?

Truly emmie lou..........FABULOUS, FANTASTIC would be a good start I guess lol

Yes I suppose I have had to reinvent myself to a degree - certainly where clothes are concerned. Like you my usual 'uniform' was certainly on the loose, baggy side - at least my tops definitely were. Mostly tunic style, always made sure they were long enough to cover my huge rear end ;)

The first day I wore fitted clothes to work was really weird - I felt quite exposed and very self conscious
Now I love wearing clothes that fit - still getting lots of compliments - WOW is that GREAT

GOOD LUCK with your CD journey happygal - this really is the best diet ever and you'll be surprised how quick the weight comes off and how fast the time flies by :D
Debz, almost half way there is definitely something to be immensely proud about
Thanks for that Demon

I've been doing a lot of window shopping recently and its a bit daunting to think that soon I'll be able to wear what i want really!
Its nice to hear from someone whos been there!
Debz, almost half way there is definitely something to be immensely proud about

Hey Demon - thanx hun ! Certainly feels good :D

the weeks just keep on ticking by...and the pounds keep on dropping off ;)