Slimming Tablets (e.g. Adios)


Full Member
I have been reading reviews of slimming pills and may try one. I've been really struggling to shift that last bit of weight after losing almost 2 stone on my own through healthy eating.

Have any of you tried pills like adios and adios max? Did they work? Are there others that work better?

Hoping to find one that may help me lose that last bit and get to my goal! :)
I'd obviously continue with WW and exercise as normal but just wondering if it helped anyone? Especially anyone whos been stuck with weight that just won't seem to bugger off!
The thing with tablets like Adios etc is that it gets the fat out of your system quicker. This is fine if you're eating a high fat diet (although the side effects are not pleasant) but on WW, you're generally having a low fat diet. I'd give it a try if it's something you think it'll work - it sounds like you've done your research :) xxx
I have tried appesat (didnt really work for me, caused my appeite to be so surpressed I stoped eating and ended up in hospital) I've tried xenical/xls/lipobind/alli ( i found them to have horrendous side affects. I went to a BBQ ate one burger and pooped my pants on my home:eek:, you will need to spend extra on thick dark knickers and pantyliners because of the vile orange fat you excrete from you bottom :( I know some people they work well for but for me even on a super low fat diet were still horrendous.)

I used to take some tablets called trimmers, I cant remember what was in them or how they worked, but you would definitely need the day and night ones )other wise you will be buzzing all night from the caffeine in them)

personally i would stick with ww, you know whats going in and there no horrible side effects that you may experience with tablets. I would never advise slimming tablets, as they can lead to psychological problems.

A pill won't fix those last few pounds sweetie, will power and ww will :)
The thing is, WW isn't. I'm sticking to a few points below what I should and I find it incredibly hard to go lower. The weight just won't shift. Feeling so stuck :(
If your sticking to a few points below what you should then your not eating enough. I know people really struggle to get on board with this but if you don't eat enough you won't lose. Ww is designed so you can eat all your daily points (and even all your weeklies) and still lose. Eat all your points for one week and be 100% honest in your tracking (track everything, bites, licks and tastes included!!) and see what happens. Also try to increase water fruit and veg and cut out junk or high sugar / high salt foods. Sorry if this sounds preachy, I just was in the same boat first time around, could not lose those last 5 pounds and this is the advice my leader gave me, and it works! Best of luck anyway
Well I stuck to my points for so long, hit a plateu so lowered them by a couple of points but still nothing. Really discouraging when it happens.

I will try to cut out high sugar/salt foods like you say and see if anything happens :)
I'm on the old points too so may look into that :)
Hey Alyrose

What about changing wot ur eating...sometimes tricking ur body is enough of a shock for it....introduce red lentils great for weight loss. You are so near ur goal weight and its true wot they say that the last few pounds are the hardest to shift.

Good luck, L x
It really is, and the lower you get the less you eat which is quite hard at times! I eat red lentils lots already in soups and also use them to make the spicy lentil pasta sauce from a WW reciepe book :)
My leader knows I do old points and she suggested adding a point a day when I had a plateau and it boosted me and I lost 4lb that week. I wasn't eating any activity points and I don't think I was getting enough.
Thank you :)
I haven't been on ww long enough to hit a plateau however last year I got to target with SW and for 3 weeks I hit a plateau. I looked at my food diaries and realised I wasn't actually eating enough calories to lose. The week after, i swapped some I my meals and increased my calories and hey presto, the scales started moving again
Adios is rubbish! Better together one on prescription- be cheaper that way too x
alyrose said:
Well I stuck to my points for so long, hit a plateu so lowered them by a couple of points but still nothing. Really discouraging when it happens.

I will try to cut out high sugar/salt foods like you say and see if anything happens :)

Hello! Just wanted to check in and see how your doing?
If your wanting to try some that are safe the Jodie marsh semtex is supposed to work and be good but you honestly need to just change your eating habits. Do you ever have a cheat meal? Sometimes having 1 cheat meal tricks your body and acts quicker to burn the Fat off. My oh is a bodybuilder ans swears by it...... x
alyrose said:
The thing is, WW isn't. I'm sticking to a few points below what I should and I find it incredibly hard to go lower. The weight just won't shift. Feeling so stuck :(

Ugh i know that feeling one week i lose next week i stay the same or put on.. Continuous cycle.. So disheartening