Slimming World newbie - losing for the wedding day

Hi Charlie

I'm just catching up with everyone whilst hiding from the rain in our caravan.
I've had a couple of weeks where I have struggled too. I think sometimes when you have been good for weeks on end we all just run out of steam.
I kept finding myself eating crap at work constantly a few weeks ago but I seem to have got it under control again. I managed it by using the strategy I use at the start of a diet which is to tell myself that I should at least be able to stay on plan for one day. Then two days, then 3 days, then a week. By week 2 it seems easier. I tell myself if I can't even resist for one day/one week etc then I'm a total loser who doesn't deserve to lose weight 😂😂

Lol - anyway it works for me. Hope that helps x

Thanks for the advice, I definitely think it helped this weekend. Will keep on plugging on!
Yes I did, and you guessed it, I STS haha. I am alright with it though, made some very good choices over the easter weekend, but although I tried to count syns I did still have a few meals out and did drink beer at the beer festival as planned, so it is all okay. Just keep telling myself that in the last couple of months when I have found things hard, at least I haven't gained any weight whatsoever and perhaps in previous years I would have gained a shed load. Think Easter last year I gained 7 lbs haha.

Starting afresh this week, and giving everything a good crack.

That's the best attitude to have! I gained 4 pounds over Christmas, whereas normally it would have been a stone!

Well done on STS and here's to a good week :)
Well Done Charlie, you planned your blip, you had your blip, you didn't go overboard,and you STS'd!!!!
Bit of a reality check today. My friend who started a weight loss programme and got a personal trainer the same time as I started Slimming World, has lost 4 stone and dropped 4 dress sizes in the same amount of time I have dropped 20 pounds and dropped 1 dress size!!

I know everyone's journey is different, and she had severe health implications beforehand which gave her more motivation, but I was amazed at how great she looks. I am super proud of her, but If I am honest with myself......annoyed at not doing as well as her.

Suppose it was the reality that I needed, and only can blame my own motivation the last couple of months and nothing else.
Eating at a Vietnamese tonight, any suggestions on dishes to have/avoid? I am veggie but eat seafood. I am thinking anything that says fried to avoid, but also got to be careful on certain sauces. Will also avoid the Pho's and the curries as are not healthy.

Here is the menu:
Hi Charlie

Like you said everyone's journey is different, and I do worry when people lose weight too quickly as they tend to put it and more back on, realistically is what she is doing sustainable in the long run....SW is

I found these links for the Vietanmese that might be helpful

Yes I agree, it can be damaging to lose so much weight so quickly. I am proud of her though as she looks great. I think I can be my own worst enemy at comparing myself to others sometimes. Trying to learn to love myself slowly but surely!

Thank you so much for those, massively helpful!
Right so sorry I have been rubbish at updating! So I couldnt go on Monday due to a family emergency (long story). However I weighed myself this morning at home to try and get an idea. Attached is my picture that I had to share because FINALLY....... I have reached the 11 stone bracket and it is 3 pound loss woohoooo!!! Hopefully the scales say the same on Monday. Have a busy weekend ahead but also a 14 mile training walk planned. Fingers crossed they balance out.


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Right so sorry I have been rubbish at updating! So I couldnt go on Monday due to a family emergency (long story). However I weighed myself this morning at home to try and get an idea. Attached is my picture that I had to share because FINALLY....... I have reached the 11 stone bracket and it is 3 pound loss woohoooo!!! Hopefully the scales say the same on Monday. Have a busy weekend ahead but also a 14 mile training walk planned. Fingers crossed they balance out.

YESSSSSSS! I am sooooo happy for you! That's an amazing loss and thoroughly deserved after all your determination! :)
Oh well done! fingers crossed the SW are in your favour :classic_smile:
Charlie I hope you are doing OK!