Slip up help???!!! please


New Member
When u slip up and have those stupid times where you eat what you are not meant to. If you go straight back on track will this work?? i feel such a looser. i was going so well but i felt ill and grabbed comfort food now i feel terrible and worthless which i wil think of every time in the future. I just wondef if anyone else has done this and if so. did they get back on track and all is ok?? xx
Hi Crissy, I've eaten a few times in the month I've been on the plan when I've been in pain. Yes, it has affected my WI I'm sure, but I have found if I get straight back to the plan and don't beat myself up I've been OK. I have tried to minimise the damage when I have eaten and then looked at why I needed to afterward - to try and learn for next time.

Don't put yourself down and mind yourself that be positive that you are back on plan instead of falling off completely. Good luck!

Just draw a line under it and get back on track, it happens to all of us at some point! x