Slow Cooker Advice

I agree - probably not enough liquid. I've got a 6.5ltr cooker too and the book which came with it says you need to fill it at least half full with liquid. I always make sure all the veg and meat is covered in liquid and touch wood it's been ok so far...

This does mean it can be quite runny, but I tend to use instant mash as a thickener or lentils like Lucky7 or even pearl barley. They're all good to thicken for free on extra easy
Hmm - my meat and veg isn't ever covered, usually about half way up the veg.

I've done joints in there too. The gammon ham at christmas was excellent. I came in from the pub on xmas eve, and chucked the ham in and poured a can of cider over it. It smelt odd when it was cooking, but was really lovely.
Maybe it depends on the type of slow cooker?? Could be that the heat is distributed differently in different brands
hhmmm mine wasn't half full with liquid.

Mines a 6.5 ltrs as well and I put all my meat (I used 2lb of beef) and veg in first, then added a tin of tomatoes, a carton of passata and 1/2 pint stock and mixed it all together with the herbs and spices.

In the end all the meat and veg were just 'coated' with the liquid.

God knows what I'm gona go home to :eek:
That sounds ok, I think it's different if you have quite a dry mixture in there - yours should be fine!
Just out of interest did you get yours without having any idea how big it was? We got ours from my SIL for xmas and I picked it out specifically from Argos, not having a clue how big it was and was quite scared when I saw the size!!
I'm really pleased now though as I make 6-8 portions of everything and freeze it - makes after-work dinners much easier

well there was a choice of 2, the 4.5 and the 6.5 ltr and when I was reading the details they said the maximum capacity was 3.5 and 4.5 for each.

So I thought I'd be best off getting the bigger one.

My intention was always to bullk cook and freeze. But it wasn't until I started putting ingredients in that I realised how big it is.

I couldn't convert litres into platefuls in my head. But a 6.5 ltr slow cooker makes a LOT of plates of food!!!!!!!

Mine was almost full today and I reckon I'll get 8 meals out of it.
Thanks for the replies, I always make sure that the liquid covers the ingredients, but the veg just seems to stick to the sides and burns ggrrr! Everything tastes fine though, but the washing up is a bit of a bugger tho lol. I will try the Bicarb tip thank you Lucky :)

I have 3 settings, one is warm (obviously cant cook on this setting), low and high, I usually always use the low setting because the instructions said high would be cooked in about 5 hours and low is for anything longer than that.

It doesnt really bother me too much because as I've said the end products is usually pretty good. I bloomin love my slow cooker!! I think we should make an appreciation society lol!!
