So I am back again!

Here's a pic when I restarted, and a pic now (around a stone down) :D please ignore the mess and the fact you can see my bra through my top haha!


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You look well slim even thou before u looked lovely too. :) good to hear your looking forward to Friday now. X
Thank you but I don't agree haha! I'm feeling much better now though! I think when I get back in to the 12 stones I will feel loads better because my goal is 10 stone and it's not much to lose if im in the 12's. I'm so happyyyyy :D
Hahaha :) before I wouldn't say u were over weight/fat. But it's great u feel better and more confident. X
Had an awful night/morning. Woke up at 4 with excruciating pain in my stomach. Didn't feel like what I had last time and it was so bad I almost got my OH to take me to hospital. The only thing that could take the pain away was some really strong codeine I had left from a whole ago. I was in pain for about 2 hours then finally the codeine took it off and I got to sleep. I don't understand what it was it was really scary :( now I feel really weak. Going in to work a bit late and hopefully should be ok...
Change of plan. Got out of bed and almost passed out. Went to be sick but nothing came up :( feel really weak :( I don't know what's wrong with me!
Felix said:
Change of plan. Got out of bed and almost passed out. Went to be sick but nothing came up :( feel really weak :( I don't know what's wrong with me!

Hun I'd get back to docs. Or have a ss+ meal at least. Your body is clearly fighting something x
Rkmriddell said:
Hun I'd get back to docs. Or have a ss+ meal at least. Your body is clearly fighting something x

Thanks, I can't get in at the doctors :( been asleep all morning and still feel really weak. Going to try and stick to CD but might just low carb today to get my energy back up
I don't know if I should eat a proper meal because I'm feeling really awful!

I would eat something if you're feeling bad - doesn't necessarily need to be carbs if you don't want but get a good piece of chicken or something in.
Thanks! Think im going to send my OH out to get some chicken in or something. My insides feel sore!
Had eggs fried in fry light, mushrooms, some tinned tomatoes and bacon fried in fry light with the fat cut off. Technically not allowed the bacon or tomatoes but I feel a bit better now, and I know it won't do too much damage.
oh I really hope you start to feel better, it sounds awful. Make sure you're keeping your water up as you'll need a good amount of fluids being poorly
Thank you, I feel a bit better after food! My sides are still a bit sore inside! Been drinking water all day so should be alright.. Just watching the Tour de France! I love it and I don't know why!
You look FAB hun xxx
Thank you :) I feel so much better for it already. Have just over 3 stone to go now, but think when I get down to 11 stone I will swap to SW or WW.
I have 'been' now! A bit worried as I took some senokot (or something along those lines) about 2 hours ago do can't have worked already! Hope it doesn't send me the other way!