So I am back again!

Oh no, you're not well though and I think when that happens your will power dwindles. Don't worry about it, just get yourself better and back fresh for tomorrow
4lb off! So that's officially a stone off now! I'm now 13.4 :)

Just walked home and got absolutely drenched! Horrid!
I am pleased but was secretly hoping for 6lb because it's been around a week and a half! Been 100% today, but my stomach is killing :(
Ended up having fajita wraps last night :( oh well! Expected to wake up really hungry but I wasn't. Straight back on today, need to have a 100% weekend. It will be hard though!

Really annoyed today! Got up and spent ages getting ready because I had a hair cut booked in today and was going to go shopping. Just about to leave the house and realise my OH has still got my bank card from getting money out for my CDC yesterday and has gone to work until 8 :( had to cancel my appointment! So disappointed :( I never get round to getting my hair cut!

So now all I've got to do today is give the house a massive spring clean. I can't be bothered :(
Done loads of cleaning! My right ear is really hurting and I don't feel well so think I'm getting an ear infection. I always get them its so annoying! Had a tetra and choc orange bar but im hungry :( just boiled two eggs to eat! Feeling a bit sorry for myself, just want to eat!
Felix said:
Done loads of cleaning! My right ear is really hurting and I don't feel well so think I'm getting an ear infection. I always get them its so annoying! Had a tetra and choc orange bar but im hungry :( just boiled two eggs to eat! Feeling a bit sorry for myself, just want to eat!

Hello xanthe! Are you bored and frustrated? I always get like that when im bored and frustrated!

At least you have had a productive day!
Yes haha! I always want to shovel food in to my face when I'm bored. OH is at work until 8 so I'm just trying to pass the time. Retired to bed to watch telly... How are you getting on?
Felix said:
Yes haha! I always want to shovel food in to my face when I'm bored. OH is at work until 8 so I'm just trying to pass the time. Retired to bed to watch telly... How are you getting on?

Poo but you don't need to hear that. I'm just considering my imprisonment for a week so I can't go near sugar!
bettiesrevenge said:
Poo but you don't need to hear that. I'm just considering my imprisonment for a week so I can't go near sugar!

Oh gosh me too! We need to go to rehab. I think we are missing a gap in the market here..
Ooh just realised its OH's birthday next Sunday and I have booked the monday off so we are going out for it! There's a Motown night on in town every Sunday that we are going to :) I have no idea what I can wear!!!!
Guess I better own up to my terrible weekend :( Ordered from a place yesterday in Leeds which is a total rip off of nandos, but just as nice and it delivers. Got chicken breast & salad in pitta bread, totally meaning to just leave the pitta, and OH had the same with chips and garlic bread and hummus! I ended up eating my pitta and had some hummus and a handful of chips!! I don't even like chips very much either... Been to town today and also had a chicken burrito. Feel so bloated and annoyed at myself! It's my own fault and I'm so stupid. Why can't I be one of those girls who can eat anything and stay slim? I sit on a desk with two girls who stuff their faces with numerous packets of crisps, chocolate and sweets and don't do any exercise and are both skinny! Arghhhhh. Oh well, what's done is done and I'll be back on tomorrow.

Bought some stuff in town. Went to primark and got some black shorts, two pairs of flat Chelsea boots (my ultimate favourites for autumn/winter), a black pair and a leopard print pair. Bought some navy blue Vans pumps, some nail polish (which may I add was quite expensive and is a horrible colour on!!) and three bras. Probably spent more than I should have but it will be alright haha..
Hun. Are you sure Cambridge is the right plan for you x hope you don't mind me saying x
Hello xanthe!

It's ok. You can always try JUDDing this weekend? Two up days followed by a very down day ( like 3 packs only) it should right the wrongs.

Loving the pixie boots too. Can't believe we are into winter wardrobes already though.
Hello xanthe!

It's ok. You can always try JUDDing this weekend? Two up days followed by a very down day ( like 3 packs only) it should right the wrongs.

Loving the pixie boots too. Can't believe we are into winter wardrobes already though.
id agree with JUDDD chick honestly?? x
You're all right really! I really want to try JUDDD but not too sure what the losses would be like and I HATE exercise!!! I don't think I'd do very well because you have to exercise on your up days don't you?

I'm doing that thing again where I have x amount of weeks until an event and keep messing around so much! It will come to two weeks before and I'll still be where I started. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it, I just find it hard because it's so restricting when we want to do something at the weekend (we usually would go out for dinner or something and I'd do some baking when im bored). I think I need a hobby!
Oh forgot to say I bought these ace pyjama bottoms too haha!


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Right I am going to give this one last go (how many times have I said that?!) and if I fail I am straight on to JUDDD. I have a planned day off on Sunday for my OH's birthday as we are going on a night out, but all this week I will be 100% and after Sunday I will be straight back on the wagon.

I've spent this evening looking up various threads about JUDDD on here and on the low carb friends forum. I think it would really suit me because I can easily not eat anything for a day, and knowing I have a higher calorie day straight after will spur me on. I'm really thinking about the idea of cleaning up my diet, so if I do go on to JUDDD, I'll try and eat as little sugar/processed food as possible and look in to alternatives for dairy etc (I'm not too keen on dairy anyway).

Cambridge has some sort of hold on me. I know a few people here will understand where I'm coming from. We have all done well on it once before, and it sucks us back in with the ideas of dropping weight fast. It's so simple and convenient, so why can't I stick to it?

Going to see what my OH thinks about JUDDD. I've got a feeling he won't be too keen on leaving CD!
Didn't know what JUDDD was, just looked it up. So basically you could do most of the week cd and then up your calories for the other days but need to exercise these days? It sounds ok tbh! But think for me id need just as much control when going on to a down day after having more cals and food. You usually do really well over the week so you could continue with cd and then up the calories on the weekend?

Totally understand the pull of cd, it just claws you back! Your OH seems to be the one to pull you off track sometimes though, haha! Does he still do cd with you?