so proud of my will power :)

No real point to this point , just was very proud of myself as went out to a lovely resaurant with My other half, the kids, the parents and my brother and sister in law , they all ate lots of gorgeous food , and although I was VERY VERY tempted to just have a little meat or anything that wasnt a shake (!!) I stuck to it and had my shake there in the restaurant !!
I dont know where this will power has come from , and cannot believe I will have done 6 weeks on monday !!!
I love this diet , I am not ( physically ) hungry , i am loosing loads of weight , but I so miss food , I really enjoy food and find it hard, as our weekends used to revolve around food , going for meals at friends , familly , pubs ect , takeaways , cooking ( which I love loads more now I cannot eat it .. weird !!) , i would love soemthing to chew ( and before anyone says it , I tried the flap jack .. like chewing an oxo cube !!!)
Thanks for reading my waffle ( if anyone has got this far!!!)
Hi Katie
How long is it since you tried a flapjack? It might be worth giving it another go - your tastes will have changed a lot in six weeks and you might find they're not so bad - and it is nice to chew now and again.

Well done Katie, what a wonderful achievement no wonder you feel proud.

I agree with Jon. I just got a couple of flapjacks to try now that the pharmacy has them back in stock and they weren't nearly as bad as I remember from last time. The coconut one isn't as nice as the peanut one but neither are moreish - which is a good thing! lol Takes me about 15mins or so to eat one and definitely keeps me feeling fuller longer. I'm taking some away with me when I go to Scotland tomorrow and will probably start having one every night for dinner in future. It's so nice to actually be able to "eat" something. Ask the pharmacist for one to try (peanut!) and see what you think now that your tastes will have changed a bit, you may be pleasantly surprised :)
Katie, well done on a great achievement of sitting in a restaurant with so much food around and not breaking out!!! I agree with the others on the bars, they taste gross one day and not so bad the next. I break them up into tiny pieces and have them with lots of water. I don't like them with a hot drink at all!! Try them again and see how you go. You sure are right, this is a great diet.
Katie, that's great!!

i have a similar experience coming up, with 6 of us going for Tapas!!!

my nose is gonna be in heaven!!!

will power is addictive the more temptation there is the stronger you become!!!

well done

jay ;)
Oh I love smelling all the food too , and do feel great when I resist ..
as for the flapjack , I only tried it last week so i may give it another few weeks and try again , but I am still loving the choc and strawberry shakes so am happy with those at the mo :)
Well done Katie for resisting in probably very difficult circumstances - a brilliant show of willpower :D