So second attempt....


Well back in 2009 before we went to the USA I lost a load of weight, by eating low fat foods, then joining SW and WW, and managed to go from 22st 4lbs to at my lightest 16st 10lbs, since that time I have preety much managed to pile it all back on and get up to 22st 8lbs :break_diet:

Come the end of April this year, I felt the time was right to do something about it, but it had to be something I could do for life this time and something that was not going to cost a bomb with a weekly fee. So I downloaded myFitnessPal on my iphone and began calorie counting. As you can see from my stats on the left this has been working :happy096: I have also managed to spend time at the gym for free and around 9 weeks ago I took up running with a few people from work, and last Sunday I managed to run in a 10k charity run which I finished in just over an hour.

So here I am now just over 3.5 stone lighter and around 3 stone left to get to my target of 16 stone, I am now on 1500 calories a day. My struggles come from lunch as I prefer to have the bulk of my calories in the evening, so I am making meals to take to work and warm up, well so far chilli, so I will be making myself some different foods in the next few weeks.

My advice to anyone losing weight is to keep it off, do not go back to your old ways, its so easy to put it back on, but any changes you make need to be for life and not a few months or years, and making too many changes to your way of life is just to hard longterm, no way could I of carried on with the gym 3 times a week and a slimming club as it was costing over £60 a month, calorie counting I have found fine and I can still have bits and pieces, god bless a Curly Whirly :eek:

I am hoping to be active on here this time to help me with my journey and will try and help those starting out on a journey to lose weight.