So so low


Silver Member
I am feeling really rubbish at the moment. I don't want to do anything, I do not seem to be able to motivate myself to get this lard off me and i am mega mega stressed with work :sigh:

My lack of willpower is adding to the feeling of general uselessness.

I saw my GP last Friday who gave me tablets to help me sleep cos she says i am suffering from mild depression.

Can't talk to people at work about it cos my job is full of ego centric people and they will just judge (its the legal profession, say no more), and I am being given grief from all directions about some work stuff.


Sorry I just needed to get that out.

And did you know that today is the day of the year when people are the most miserable?

Bleeding marvellous!
I think you need to be kind to yourself for a while. Hopefully if you can get some better sleep then you will start to feel better in yourself. Concentrate on whatever it is at work that needs to be sorted. Be as good as you can be with food, but don't put pressure on yourself. Get your work and your mind/health in balance again and then start to really focus on the food.

Too much on your plate, and I don't mean food, is making your head spin. Sort one thing at a time and then you'll be back on track!

Don't panic, and as I said at the start, be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up!

Looking forward to reading in due course that you're back on track and feeling chirpy! You're not on your own in this!

Here endeth the lesson for today :rotflmao: :p
Hi, please dont say you are useless try focusing on your strengths instead, when I get like this I write down a list of my strengths or what I have achieved that day. It's very helpful for dealing with the generally useless days common in depression.
If you had a slip up at work you wont be the first. They say " the man (or woman) who never made a mistake never made anything"
You be good to yourself and go a bit easier on yourself. Take care x
Having suffered from depression and anxiety that was somewhere in the more worrying end of the scale I can fully empathise. Sometimes just getting through a day of work is a huge achievement and other days you just feel like you've not really done anything worthwhile at all.

I can tell you that the hardest part is getting out of thinking patterns. Anyone with any form or severity of depression either gets themselves into certain thinking patterns or is there because of thinking patterns. Most of the time they are not positive, and by breaking them we are in essence changing who we are or who we become and for a lot of people that's very scary.

As has been suggested before, tackle one issue at a time, and while you are doing so do not let yourself get disheatened about the things that are waiting in line. Praise yourself for the achievements that you do make. For example, if at work you have a conversation with a colleague to try and sort things out that you have been putting off for ages because you're worried about the outcome, then that's worth a reward because it's something that you found difficult. Just the same with your weight loss. Don't see it as this mountain you have to climb. Follow your daily plans for food and take in the scenery along the way. Even if you have a smaller loss than you hope for, you've still had a loss and that's worth celebrating. I'm sure everyone on here rewards themselves for weight loss somehow, whether it's putting their latest awards on their banners, or going out for the day with family and friends, or just finding an hour for themselves.

I won't bang on any more, but I will say this. Don't worry about the things that you have control over (ie your eating). Worry first about the issues that are making you feel most down (and that's dealing with them one at a time so that you get the gratification of seeing a shrinking To Do list rather than a mess of partly done tasks!!) and talk to people you feel you can talk to.