Some Cambridge Diet Advice?


Hi to all :D!

Thinking about starting the Cambridge Diet after many failed attempts at other healthy eating plans.

I am worried about a few things though, wonder if any of you guys could help me out?

Really worried about how being in ketosis makes you feel? can you still carry on doing day to day things? or does it make you sick and shaky etc. Also once you loose all this weight how do you maintain it? Has anyone maintained it for years and years? Or does it all come back on quickly?

Any information you guys have would be great, I'd like to ease my mind before starting.

Kathleen xx
Getting into ketosis can make some people feel a bit 'rough', however not everyone suffers this. I am one of those lucky people and don't seem to get any symptoms. It's just your body swapping over from burning carbohydrates to burning fat and can take up to 3 to 5 days. Once it passes however, you will feel great, even euphoric!!! You will have lots of energy and generally feel very well.

Maintaining....well that's down to the individual really. If you go back to eating the sort of food that brought you here in the first place, then yes, you will gain weight. If you follow the plan through the phases to re introduce healthy foods and stabilise, then there's no reason why you cannot keep the weight off.

Hope that helps and....Good luck!
getting into ketosis can be difficult but everyone feels different getting into it once you are into it unless you do to much exercise or wait to long between shakes or don't drink anoth water you feel fine some people even say better.
but theres things you can do to help yourself with getting into ketosis before starting cd like drinking more water and reducing your carbs.
with maintance it should work that you climb up the plan to slowly introduce food then of you will need to watch what you eat so you don't regain.