Some inspuration for you :)


Full Member
Argh I'm on my phone sorry about the typo in 'inspiration' I noticed it too late to edit it!

Hey all, I've been on SnS since June and am in the process of moving countries so decided to stop over in Miami to get some new clothes as most of my old clothes don't fit anymore! I was out shopping for work clothes and I went to try on a size 12 shirt (had that size skirt on so it sounded reasonable to me!), then discovered it was huge on me! So I tried a 10, and an 8, with the same result!!! I ended up in a size 6 shirt, wishing my shoulders weren't so broad cos I could've gone down a size agAin in the stomach! I know sizes are different in each shop but wow! :) I kept trying on mediums everywhere but the majority were too big and I had to go down to smalls! With a loose fitting top I managed a size XS!!! I'm not tiny by any means but WOW this diet really worked!!! :) and I still have a stone to go!!! :) For once shopping was super fun and made me feel great about my body size but it was kind of annoying going into shops and not having a clue what size I was - but in a good way!!! :)
Wow :) I can't wait to buy skinny clothes! I am on my phone so can not see your stats... How much have tho lost if you don't mind me asking?
Fabulous !

I can't wait to buy smaller clothes :)
Thanks!!! :)

I lost 15kgs at last weigh in, that's somewhere around 2+stone or 30+ lbs :) doesn't sound like much but it's de a huge difference to my body!!! And self confidence! I feel really sexy and I don't have a completely flat stomach, but I'm also not worried about it! :)
Thanks!!! :) I lost 15kgs at last weigh in, that's somewhere around 2+stone or 30+ lbs :) doesn't sound like much but it's de a huge difference to my body!!! And self confidence! I feel really sexy and I don't have a completely flat stomach, but I'm also not worried about it! :)

That's great well done :)