Some JUDDD questions.


Gold Member
Will keep this short and simple, just some questions I have regarding JUDDD as I'm leering towards it but need to know some things before I make a firm decision!

1. Do you all follow the calorie guidelines for UD's and DD's based on what the website calculator gives you? Or do you follow the 500/2000 rule?

2. If you follow what the calculator gives you.. do you then recalculate your allowances weekly if you lose weight? Because obviously losing say 5lbs would alter your calculations and give different amounts to what you started with.. or do you stick to what it gave you at the beginning all the way through?

3. How do you eat the healthy way on an UD? 2000 calories is a huge amount if you were to consist only healthy clean foods.. do most of you allow a treat every UD?

4. How long have you been following JUDDD, and how much weight have you lost?

5. What pattern do you follow? Alternate days, 3 DD's and 4 UD's?

Okay, these are my answers but you will get different responses from everyone because what you find with juddd is that its very individual, sometimes you have to tweak your pattern or cals till you get it just right for you. If you do decide to give it a go then please give it at least 4 weeks , you should give any new diet at least 4 weeks before you know whether its for you or not ;)
1. My guidelines were about 440/2170 last time I checked but I do 500 or under on DD s and my UPs I don't count cals but I am aware of what I eat generally 2200 on a weekday UP more like 3000 on my weekend UPs . But I always stay under my DD limit, thats important.
2. No, no point even after I lost 2 stone since first calculating them it only changed slightly, I think if you only have a small amount to lose then maybe stick to the numbers but remember they are only a guide 500/2000 works perfectly well for most and remember Dr Johnson says to eat until satisfied but do not intentionally overeat, the numbers for UPs are a guide only and not set in stone.
3. Easily, healthy food is not necessarily low cal food. You can eat a Healthy diet but still be over recommended calorie intake for a woman. Think healthy and wholesome not low cal, so things like cereals and wholemeal toast for breakfast or beans on toast or poached egg on toast etc , lunch - jacket and chicken sald, fresh soup and a roll and a yoghurt, wholemeal sandwich etc, supper - boiled new pots and gammon, curry and rice, chilli and a Jacket. Then I always allow myself treats but I don't always eat them, when you know you can have something it tends to be enough, it stops the cravings, though you can eat chocolate or a cake every UP day if you want. My weekend UPs tend to be less healthy and more treat based, i.e Pizza, chinese, homemade fish and chips and always chocolate , cheesecake that sort of thing. I make sure I enjoy my weekends as it makes the diet very easy. But then strangely I love Mon DD s as I am back in control.
4. I have been following Juddd for 20 weeks and have lost a total of 21 lbs (plus 13 lbs on vlcd) more importantly that the weight loss is how Juddd has transformed my shape far quicker than any weightloss its a brilliant effect and one that I will not give up for all the Tea in China :)
5. My regular pattern is DD,UP,DD,UP,DD,UP,UP .

Sorry for the essay but its all relevant to your questions
1. Do you all follow the calorie guidelines for UD's and DD's based on what the website calculator gives you? Or do you follow the 500/2000 rule?

my cal allowance was 380 for DDs and 1900 for UDs and i couldnt cope with the DD allowance so i upped mine and lowered my UD allowance to balance out. although i think the 500/2000 rule can work for many people starting juddd as its a big swing difference and still very much low/high.

2. If you follow what the calculator gives you.. do you then recalculate your allowances weekly if you lose weight? Because obviously losing say 5lbs would alter your calculations and give different amounts to what you started with.. or do you stick to what it gave you at the beginning all the way through?

yes u probably will need to recalculate when u lose weight as you will find you will need less calories to keep losing weight at the same rate as usual, ie. 1 or 2lbs a week otherwise it'll slow down or plateau, same as reducing points on weight watchers when u move down a stone bracket. saying that, the 500/2000 rule usually works for people over a long period of time, all depends on how much u are looking to lose i think.

3. How do you eat the healthy way on an UD? 2000 calories is a huge amount if you were to consist only healthy clean foods.. do most of you allow a treat every UD?

its surprising but even healthy stuff can be calorific, so ideally you should set out a healthy eating plan then factor your treats in. my menu looks like:
breakfast: weetabix, skimmed milk and sweetener plus toast and butter = approx 400/500 cals, lunch = tuna mayo sandwiches, apple, yogurt and crisps = approx 450/500, dinner = ready meal, veg, potatoes = 600 treats = chocolate = 285 cals and factor in extra cals from sauces, butter, sugar, drinks (even diet ones add up if you drink enough!)This totals roughly 2000 or thereabouts

4. How long have you been following JUDDD, and how much weight have you lost?

im on my 6th week now, lost 4lbs so far i think. put 2lbs on after joining from cambridge but then it has come off after that so doing ok!

5. What pattern do you follow? Alternate days, 3 DD's and 4 UD's?

i try and do alternate days of up/down but i have chopped and changed when ive needed 2 ups in a row. i usually do better on the straight up/down pattern but i have recently factored in 2 down days because my weight is stubborn to shift now im nearing goal!

Hope thats helped a little bit from my perspective. as jo said, juddding is very individual and what works for some may not work as well for others but i would encourage you to try it and more importantly, stick to it for at least a month to see the changes! good luck! xx
1. Do you all follow the calorie guidelines for UD's and DD's based on what the website calculator gives you? Or do you follow the 500/2000 rule?

no I fast on downs, and eat 3 meals + one treat of whatever I want on ups.

2. If you follow what the calculator gives you.. do you then recalculate your allowances weekly if you lose weight? Because obviously losing say 5lbs would alter your calculations and give different amounts to what you started with.. or do you stick to what it gave you at the beginning all the way through?

I would say to anyone asking this question; Is juddd still working for you? If it is don't change what's broken. If you stop losing weight, by all means go down.

3. How do you eat the healthy way on an UD? 2000 calories is a huge amount if you were to consist only healthy clean foods.. do most of you allow a treat every UD?

Like a few have touched on there are a lot of healthy high cal things. Cheese and milk, full fat, in moderate doses is still healthy. Bodybuilders forums could probably help you with eating high cal cleanly, as thats exactly what they do.

4. How long have you been following JUDDD, and how much weight have you lost?

9 weeks, 20lbs. approx. I am big and i've got another 60 to go though.

5. What pattern do you follow? Alternate days, 3 DD's and 4 UD's?

3 downs, 4 ups
Healthy clean eating.. what is your definition? Because I follow Primal/Paleo which is clean eating.. meaning you don't really eat processed foods, sugars etc but good fats, fruit, vegetables, meat etc..

I do admittedly fall off the wagon with it.. but it's a life thing & I'll get there.. not trying to push a diet on you btw.. but healthy doesn't always mean the same thing! I can reach 1700 on a UD and I eat clean and healthy foods.. (maybe occasionally a slip up ;):eek:) lots of good fats, protein, complex carbs (vegetables and fruit) and lose both weight and inches!

The rest is addressed.. but I think JUDDD is a diet you can play with in regards to calories! I've only been on here a month (I think..) and have noticed people fit ti to suit them... I'm doing double downs at the calories I was calculated to try and (hopefully) get a bit extra weight off for my holiday! See which works best for you!
Personally I follow the eat what I want on UP days but find I naturally (or unnaturally for me!) stick to three meals but will have the odd treat if my social life dictates. For DDs I use the 500 cals but not as a target to attain but as something not to go over, today I've had 380 and am perfectly happy so won't eat more to bring myself up to the 500, that 380 includes a tall skinny latte from Starbucks.

I'll stick to this way as long as I'm losing.

Good luck!
Thats what I do too zakcat x
Agree with most of the above. Give it a go, spare a month to try it, what do you have to lose except weight!:)
Like zakcat I aim for 500kcals as a limit on my 2 or 3 DDs.

DDs are Mon and Wed, Friday is more middling, I only eat tea, whatever OH wants.

Weekends are mine, whatever I want. Nothing banned.

It works for me. Good luck finding what works for you if you start it :)