soon to start.


shrinking violet
Hi all!
Before xmas I was on lipotrim and lost 2 stone... Just before xmas there was a loss in my life and I came off LT as it just didn't seem important but since then I have really struggled to get back on to it... In the last 6 months I have put a stone back on :-(
Anyway I have been back on it for nearly a week and I am so down and fedup with it. My partner keeps commenting on how miserable its making me and saying nothing is worth feeling like that but I have been sticking to it... I want to be a beautiful bride in March!
Now my friend has told me about this diet and from what I have read up about it it seems to give similar results to LT but you still feel like your eating! (also heard the shakes etc taste nicer lol) so I am going to try this. Just ordered my first week so it should be here in a day or so! And I am actually excited! :)
good luck on your journey xx
I just wanted to say well done for jumping back on the wagon. :D
I lost weight on LL a few years ago, and came off at christmas due to life situations going on at that time.... and took me over two years and over 70lbs to get back on it >.<

Slim and save is great though, having done cambridge and LL in the past I kept doing a few months then coming off.... I think this is the longest I've stuck all in one go.... both (I think) due to the variety and convinience of being able to eat 'real food'.

Good luck!
Thanks for the support ladies! :)
Yeah this defo the most 'fun' diet to be on, everything tastes nice and you don't feel too badly deprived of food because the meals are super and the treat bars are nice too. I wish you all the luck in the world, I hope you reach your goal!