Sophie's Slimming World and Cinema critiques!

Just updated my ticker and I'm 1 pound off of the 40% mark! I decided my target was exactly 100lbs when I made my ticker.

I'm really, really looking forward to getting the 3 stone award, just 3 pounds away! I feel positive even after another shoddy WI today, I think my measurements perked me up.

Great stuff Hun :)
Thanks guys :D put a smile on my face.

Had a nice catch up with friend today. Going to the London Pet Show tomorrow at Earls Court where we're going to get to snuggle loads of different types of animals YAY!

Quick food diary as G is waiting to sleep:

RED (awww yeah!)

B: nat ff yog with blueberries and banana and splenda

L: Half a mashed cauliflower (+2.5 for added smash on Red day) which was SO yummy! Boiled it in a stock cube, used the hand blender on it and added smash while it was hot. Yum!

D: Beef meatballs with cheese (HexA1) and passata/tomato sauce with onions in. Had a few sugar snap peas but accidentally gave most to my friend and we were in a rush to go somewhere, so probably didn't have as much superfree as needed... But the passata and onions (basically the whole sauce!) was superfree, and I didn't have a huge portion so don't feel too bad :)

Snacks: ChewyD (HexyB), 3x activia yoghurts, 5x crab sticks, two velvet crunch from friend's packet and nibble of a mini flapjack bite, the both of which I'll dedicate one syn to as it was a REALLY tiny nibble, honest ;)

Drinks: 3 Green teas, 2L squash, 2 Lilt Zero

Syns: 3.5


Feel awesome about these red days- they've been pretty easy this past couple of days and actually I've done mainly Red for a week now. I have barely eaten anything today and have been satisfied! My lunch was the tiniest amount and entirely superfree- my dinner was fairly small too, brill!
Bought LOADS of meat at Tesco today- we had a '£15 off £100 shop' voucher and we were worried we hadn't spent enough- it came to £175!!! OMG. But down to £145 after savings/voucher. Fridge. Is. PACKED. Lots of meat and some salmon too, yay :)

Bed time now! Might go out tomorrow eve too to this goth party but not sure. Everyone will be off their face though, I'm temped :p hehe

Also feel good about the low syn couple of days, am kinda looking forward to Monday WI in a way, excited about 3st award soooon.

Paimfully tired, took me ages to get to sleep (like 3
30am) and eventually took a nytol whoch helped, but woke up quite a few times and now have to get up for a busy day and night. Not sure I'll have the energy for clubbing. :/
£175 shop for two people? Did you buy an entire farmyard worth of meat?! ;)

That's so cool about the pet show. Hope you see some lovely animals :D I like Earls Court. We stayed there when we did Discover Dogs a few years ago, some really nice restaurants round there ;) Hope you have a lovely day!

I think you'll have fun if you do go out Gothy clubbing :) Me and my only single friend, lol, are going to our 'alternative' club next week after my fake brother's birthday stuff. A few drinks, a bit of a dance, and mainly to look at boys ;) Luckily we don't have the same type! I want a beardy Thor-a-like :drool:
Pet show was sooo fun today :D I got to hold a sleeping ferret in my hand which was SO CUTE, as well as fall in love with a Norwegian Forrest cat (WANT ONE!)
Saw lots of dogs and other cats too, and even a hedgehog and chinchillas :D was fab. Got loads of freebies like cat treats and pens.

I did another red day; am finding them a bit easier now, especially when busy! When I'm less busy I sit around thinking about food and wanting quick carbs, when I'm busy- whatever will fill my hunger will do :p I've started thinking to myself when I want carbs: "I'm literally going to eat this and forget about it. What difference if it's meat and veg or if it's pasta? Tomorrow I'll feel better about the Red meal than the pasta."
I'm feeling good about my weight loss so far, even if the past 6 weeks have sucked, I'm starting to feel different and a bit more confident. I have high hopes for Monday's WI for once :p DAMN I want a -3 to get to 3 stone award!


B: Nat ff yog, banana, blueberries

L: 2 home made beef burgers with ketchup (2), onions, 2x wholemeal rolls (HexB) cherry tomatoes, cucumber and a banana beforehand.
Had some meatball mix (mince + spices and fried onions) leftover from last night so put them in the halogen oven to grill as burgers while I got ready this morning; packed a mini tupperware of ketchup and packed the buns separately and put the lot together while out. Probably should have packed a salad on the side but I didn't have room in my bag.

D: Chicken breast with grilled cheese (hexA1 + half HexA2) on top and a stir fry of onions, peppers and sugar snap peas made into a sort of sauce with a BBQ recipe (including ketchup (2)) which I over vinegar'd so balanced it out with a tablespoon of quark.

Snacks: 3 activia yoghurts, 2 bananas, 2 squirts of light whipped cream (.5)

Drinks: 2L squash, 1.5 pints water, 1 green tea

Syns: 4.5


Knackered so probably won't go out tonight.
Those Norwegian Cats are beautiful aren't they?!

Hedgehogs are lovely! Have always quite liked the idea of having a pygmy one :D Maybe one day. Hope no one asked if the chinchilla's were rabbits! That used to drive me NUTS working in pet shops. So much so that my email address has been achinchillaisnotarabbit since I was 18! I have this for hotmail as well as gmail ;) They are also not squirrels or giant mice *head desk* .....

Yay for positivity! If you have any going spare feel free to send it over to me :)

Really hope you get your 3st award. Everything crossed!!

And your food looked lovely for today. Really nice choices mate :D x
Thanks cheeky!
Got my bloody (literally) period this morning, nice and heavy too, so ther goes my 3st award! Damnit. Hopefully next mon then, think I am going to Saudi Arabia that week for a one day shoot so that might screw about with the week after's WI- HOPEFULLY WILL GET -3 ON MON THOUGH.
Omg, can you imagine if i lose out on another month of weight loss because of a period gain and flights? Last time I'd lost the water weight from flying over the weekend though. I have such a yucky achey tum today.

The chinchillas were lovely! They were all snoozing as they'd been handled all day. I got to stroke one very breifly and WOW it was soft- like a cloud or something! The woman explained how they have 100 hairs per follicle where we just have 1 or something? So dense!

Finished American Psycho- loved it! But the gore was too much for even me at parts :p still, it's one of my favourite movies and books now too!
Not sure what book to start now, I kinda want to re-read kill your friends which is equally hilarious but less gorey, one of my favourites also; part of me wants to start a new book though and expand my 'books I've read' library. Have probably only finished 40% of the books on my book shelf.
My period's been on and off this week. Heavy then not much. It always is towards the end of the 12 weeks the injection works for. But really only one short period in 3 months isn't bad going :) Hope you're not too achy.

Yeah chinchilla's have the densest fur of any animal. Awesome if their owner has allergies ;) Aww I'm not surprised they were tired, they're nocturnal, so shouldn't have really been out in the day. Can't really have a pet show at night tho lol.

Btw have you seen or read about Turkish Van cats? They swim! And they're beautiful! x
Just looked them up- so cool that they swim! Apparently Norwegian Forest cats are prone to joining you in the shower because they love water too- hehe!

Have been in bed with a hot water bottle most of the day, pretty achey today. I started reading World War Z and am enjoying it- the interview style isnt bothering me as much as it did with Carrie. Hoping to finish it in time to catch it in the cinema (end of June) but am a pretty slow reader :p
Oh no, sounds rough mate :( Hope it's not as bad tomorrow!

I'm a slow reader too. I'd hoped I would have finished what I'm reading at the moment in time to read The Great Gatsby before the film comes out. No chance!! Shame though :(
I've not read Carrie and didn't know it was done interview style until you mentioned it. I REALLY like World War Z :p The first part with the kid in China is really cool and gross :whistle:

Good luck for WI tomorrow. I know you don't hold out much hope with evil period arriving. But you never know :) x
Thanks hun. At least I'll have an excuse for a shoddy WI, it sucks more when it's just STS or + when you've been on plan doesn't it?

Red today:

B: Nat FF yog + banana + blueberries

L: Grilled salmon with salad (rocket, cucumber and light salad cream +1) and mashed cauliflower. Decided to not add Smash to the cauli mash and it was OK but I should have drained it more as the consistency was very thin!

D: Scrambled cheesy (1/2 hexA1) eggs with a chicken frankfurter chopped in (+2.5 on Red) half a (1/2 hexB) wholemeal roll with grilled cheese on it (1/2 HexA2 - was too full for second half :/ sheesh!) and some salad (Spinach and cucumber) with salad cream light (+0.5)

Snacks: ChewyD, 2 tablespoons of Fluff eaten straight out of the jar and a lil squirt of whipped cream (2 syns)

Drinks: 2L squash, 2 lemon green teas with splenda

Syns: 6

I've had a fairly low syn week full of Red days other than the EE synful Mexican dinner and the BBQ on the bank holiday Monday, so I recon if * week weren't ominously present it would be a decent loss tomorrow; I've tried hard this week!
Oh well. I'll log tomorrow's weight to keep my Wii chart in check but if it's a plus I'm going to pretend it isn't there, because I know it'll be water weight.

I've read nearly 100 pages of World War Z today; I'm not really stuck into it yet but I made the effort to relax and read as I really want to get into the habit of reading more on my off days at home rather than wasting time in front of the TV, numbing my brain cells. I read for just under 3 hours today. I need to send the kobo I inherited off tomorrow as it's within warranty and broken; my grandma didn't like it and gave it to me and I think it crashed as soon as I tried to charge it through my mac. Anyway, they told me to send it in for a replacement and I want to do that already so I can get downloading Bret Easton Ellis' other novels :D just found out the lead character of Rules of Attraction, Sean Bateman, is Patrick Bateman's brother (the lead character of American Psycho) COOL! He does a lot of character intertwining like that apparently :D
I'm going to make it my mini task of tomorrow to make a trip to the post office then!

I just got woken up after a crap night's sleep (didn't fall asleep until nearly 5am!) at nearly 2pm, period a'flowing, expecting a nasty gain because of it- BUT I LOST 3LBS! And hit my 3 stone award! OMG! :D YAY!!!

So. Frigging. Happy! After all this crappy weight loss of the past 6 weeks, my body has really shocked me with this one :p yaaaay!
(also, dare I get my hopes up, but if this is what I weigh when bloated on my period... then I'm excited to see my loss next week when period has died down... :p hehe)

Thanks Summer :)

I've felt good today; it's really the motivation I needed! I guess the Red days have paid off if I managed to get a -3 on day 2 of my (heavy) period! This excites me about what is to come next week when I'm not bloated; hopefully catching up for those bad weeks!

I slept so late that I ended up having lunch at nearly 7pm; I'll probably have some leftover bits later but it's been pretty low syn again today and Red days are becoming very easy, my cravings for pasta/rice etc are non existent right now. I think I'll keep doing red as much as possible with EE for days where I'm eating out and Green when I fancy some comfort food. I know that EE and Green were great during my early weight loss days, so I'm not ruling them out all together! But I think Red days are giving me the boost I need after this plateau recently, and if I can enjoy them- then great!


B: Nat ff yoghurt, blueberries, banana

L: Turkey meatballs again. I don't feel too guilty about all the meatballs recently as I did one day of turkey, one day of beef then a break and back to turkey :p so it's still varied rather than all the same. Gerard really liked them today! I made them better and used 1/2 a HexB2 for extra virgin olive oil which made them cook better (rather than last time: getting stuck to the bottom when I tried to move them after them being cooked on one side long enough to not fall apart) and I had a full HexB1 for the wholemeal breadcrumbs in it, and HexA1 for the milk in the ikea sauce (+ 2 for the sauce, as I had a bit more than half of it), I had this with a bed of spinach leaves, some Sugar Snap peas which I cooked in the same pan as Gerard's pasta and some tomato too. Very filling!

D: I left 4 meatballs from lunch so if I get hungry I'll probably pick at them and finish yesterday's salmon with some side salad. Have been strangely un-hungry considering during early days of * week I'm usually ravenous.

Snacks: Mini milk (1.5), toffee muller light (made into frozen yog with the ice cream machine- wasn't great though!) over which I had a squirt of light whipped cream (.5) and about a tsp of toffee sauce (1), 2 pieces of oreo cadbury's (3 syns, gawd! SO GOOD BUT SO SYNFUL!)

Drinks: 4 green teas! Half a litre of squash so far but probably a litre by the end of the day.

Syns: 8

Am actually getting stuck into some writing now, which is nice! Wondering if my friend (who bailed on me last week) is going to bail on me again tomorrow, since she hasn't replied. Lol.

Next goal is to get into the 16's! I haven't been in the 16 stone range since I WAS 16 :| 4 pounds to go!
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I am also past the 40% mark to my goal! 42% :D woop!
Thanks cheeky :D:D was glad to be able to text-celebrate with you earlier, lol! I'm kinda glad I keep this stuff quiet to family and most friends as otherwise I'd probably post it all over facebook and then get really embarrassed later LOL
LOL Cheeky! hahaha. Showed that to Gerard and he Lol'd. He is always shocked at what I text you hahaha.

EE today- started as Red but then got some tea out with a friend (she didn't bail- woop!)

B: Nat ff yog, blueberries, banana (same old!)

L: Marinaded some chicken thighs in soy sauce and wozzy and other bits, grilled them with onions and had a side salad of spinach (+0.5 for dressing)

D: Went to a japanese restaurant. Hadn't planned to meet for dinner and nearly had food at the bar which had grossly fatty foods! But then suggested this awesome and cheap japanese place I love. Had A few pieces of Sushi (maybe 5 syns) and a big bowl of sticky rice with a side bowl of thick teriyaki sauce. Not quite sure the syns for that, maybe 10, there was quite a lot and it was thick! SO yum though.
I also had a slice of her chicken which was deep fried- probably 2 syns for that! It was about two mouthfuls.

Snacks: HexB ChewyD
Drinks: Glass of milk (hexA), water (1/2L), lilt zero, squash (1L)

Syns: 17.5

Photoshoot (headshots session) tomorrow, better get some Z's. x
I've felt a sudden rush of confidence this week... I think the shock of the WI and the excitement of the measurements really got to me :p I notice little things now- particularly clothes being loose. The start of this slimming journey I really felt like I wasn't seeing results like others were- people wrote on their diaries that they were noticing things and buying smaller sizes when they'd lost less than me and it was disappointing, but now I feel almost elated, and obsessed to lose more :p
It's really been a great boost to my morale!

I've been surprisingly unhungry this week for * week (and just in general) and barely ate anything today, I think I am eager to speed things up and lose more, like suddenly it feels doable? I've never lost weight in my life and in the first few months on SW I was excited to see the numbers but it didn't feel like it was really happening, y'know? I'm really excited now. Red days don't bother me, low syn is easy, I'm really eager to get some more good numbers- when I get into the 16's it'll be my first time since I WAS 16, that's mental, I'm psyched.

Had a photoshoot today and thought I'd cave and do EE (especially as we have no meat in the fridge) but actually it was fine :)


B: Nat FF yog with apple and banana chopped in (and splenda)

L: Wholemeal roll (HexB1) with cheese (HexA1) and pickle (+1) which I brought as a snack for the shoot and ended up surviving on until 9pm :S

D: Mashed 1/2 cauliflower with quark, scrambled eggs with cheese (HexA2) on the side.

Snacks: Chewy Delight (hexB)

Drinks: 5 or 6 green teas with splenda! Have really fancied them today, maybe they have curbed my hunger! Also had a diet pepsi (much prefer it to diet coke)

Syns: 1... WTF?

Hoping for another loss tomorrow (mid week WI) but period is still present and... Monday was so awesome that I can't ask for much :p but I kinda expect something now! haha... Especially after eating very little today and the Red days.

Photoshoot today went OK; we did some standard actor headshots for a friend's dad who is an actor. At first I was really panicked because his dark skin tone was reacting badly to the light outside, it was so hard to get right! But then we found a shaded area and used the LED light and reflector, giving us more control of the light, and it was really cool :)
Haven't looked through the pics yet but think he'll be happy with them.

Seeing a friend tomorrow afternoon and possibly another in the eve, should be fun :) will have to resist the AWSOME carrot cake at the Shisha place we're going to though, used to have it every time as it was sooo good, but it's a huge slab with ice cream- I hope she doesn't order it or I'll be drooling! haha
