Sorry...its a moan...I need help please.

That's fantastic!
Dear Sez

Just popped in again as laptop is in the kitchen and I am waiting for my pack to cool down.

Well done for not giving up and for trying something else. You've done so well and if there is any way I can help with the thought records, I will. I did one - turned out to be pretty major - last night. Life isn't perfect since but it gave me more insight and I had a better day, which is good since weekends are testing beyond belief.

Really hope you enjoy the Hungry Years.

Take care.

Mrs L xxxxxxx
Dont forget green metropolis for books - £3 each & that includes postage! YOu can also sell books there!
I can thoroughly recommend Geneen Roth. I read 'When Food is Love' a number of years ago and bawled my way through it. For anyone who has felt neglected or lonely I their lives and think food was their comfort - this is the book for you!

I recently read one of her non-weight books - 'The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat who fixed it', which was also really good and further helped me deal with some of my issues with my parents.

The other suggestions sound fabulous - thanks Mrs L!

I have found this discussion really useful for my own nibble obsessions and had a 100% weekend for the first time in ages. So thanks everyone - and especially Sez for raising the issues.
'The Craggy Hole in My Heart and the Cat who fixed it',

Sandra, I read about this one and was debating buying it for my sister. Our Mum died about 3 1/2 years ago, and whilst I miss her terribly I feel I have been able to move on. I have my family and our Dad is still around, bless him, although not in the best of health now.

My sister seems to have real emotional issues at the mo, and I feel she is painfully lonely amongst other things. Would you recommend this book for a situation like this?

I feel I could "play dumb" and give it to her as she is a cat lover.....!!!
I gave it to my sister when I went to NZ (read it on the plane trip over there)!

Our parents are both still with us but weren't there for either of us and my sister has real relationship issues. She pushes those who love her away and she and I have had real hum-dingers of fights including not speaking for several years.

To be honest I found it to be really interesting and it has helped me deal with the fact that my Dad is really ill and may not last the year.