SpaceAngel lost 3lbs this week!

You have to do what's right for you hun, if you find the class WI keeps you more focussed then go back to it but if you can motivate yourself for your own WI then stick at home
I am well motivated, I am just in this lazy phase atm. I think the weather doesn't help, cos I can't go out, but I just cant be bothered to get up and do anything. I am sure I will snap out of it too!
I think you really need to give it a good few weeks before you decide whether to continue at home or to go back to class.
I agree with TAZ! Dont you DARE ruin what you have achieved so far - look at your mate gaining all what she has lost - you wanna do that??? Really? Come in huni!

I shall give you a firm kick up the ass >>>>>>

Come on bird !x
Consider my ass firmly :asskick:. I wont give up, promise!! I was only bad last night cos I knew it was WI night, but I promise to be good from here on in!
Hun..just reading your posts I can tell that you are really down at the moment. Just think though, will saboutaging what you have done already make you happier when you have undone all the effort you have made so far?? Or do you think it will put you into a downwards spiral of pity that will make you feel like rubbish and full of guilt??
Yes, the weather is c**p, but change it around, snuggle up with Hubby in the warmth, that may lead on to other things, that will help you burn off calories too! Lol.
The way I see it is can either mope around and let the depression take hold, or you can put it all behind you and start afresh tomorrow to limit the damage.
You now have us queuing up to give you a swift kick (as well as a hug)!!!

hahahahaha feeling ganged up on yet sa!!

I have only been a tiny bit naughty today and finished off last nights pizza. For lunch I am having (be ready in a min) gammon with pineapple and I have already got the dinner on which is a slow cooked beef curry. So I am back on track now and will start the day tomorrow a lot more positive.

I think it is because I have nearly 100 items to parcel up for Ebay but can't yet because I need to get to the bank to put some money in so that I can pay for my postage online, so I think I feel frustrated because I know that I should be doing things but can't iykwim?

And I actually quite enjoy being kicked up the ass Claire pmsl!
You are a kinky moo aint ya LOL

Thats it being stuck indoors sends you mental - I enjoyed getting out today for a fwe hours lOL
I am watching the cricket with Mike so thats keeping me entertained. And I dropped my Avon books last night as well, can collect them on Saturday afternoon. Fingers crossed for a few orders!
Well, the title says is all really. My little DD is now covered in black nail polish and mummy doesnt have any remover! She does have lovely black painted nails, and arms, and knees, and feet! :eek:
Hahahaha thats funny! x
We got loads of it off, I have just taken some pics which I will put on FB in a minute, but before her bath, she was covered!
Oh how funny!!
Thats so summat Iona would do! x
She didnt think she was being naughty, she thought she was making herself pretty. I have put the pics on FB!
iv funny :)xx
I get 25% of what I sell, which isn't too bad. It's something to do at the end of the day. I have a job interview tomorrow, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for that.

Also, it's my first home WI tomorrow, although I have been naughty and have weighed every morning. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist it once I bought my own scales again.

But I also know not to worry if I have gained during the week. So far, I have lost 6lbs, so unless I put on a few overnight, I will be in for a good loss this week. :D

I just remembered i asked you about that!!
How is it going? Have you had many orders.
I'd be interested in something like that and 25% isn't that bad is it?
Just wanted to say well done on ur loss too xxx
I only did family and friends and a few peeps around my street and the order was £50 ish. I got my territory the other day so I will know how well it will do in the next 2 weeks. You have to order £78 before you start making money and you get 20% for anything between £78 - £150 and if you order over £150 you get 25%.

You may not get that many orders from your first books because a lot of people have been given Avon books before and then the Avon lady never pics the book up or they have left an order but the Avon lady never delivers it, so once they know that you are regular, you will find you get more orders. If you work, giving it to work friends for them to take and let their family look at is good too. I am thinking of going back to class so that I can give out a couple of books!
just seen the pics, bless her! is MJ short for anything or not? I always wanted a name like that when I was younger, when we played mums and dads I was always something like CJ or AJ lol! either that or Gabriella!!! x x
lol. MJ is short for Michaela Jocelyn. We called her that so that we could shorten her name to MJ. Plus, hubby's name is Michael too.