

Slimming for my children
i came off my period 2 weeks ago and have noticed spotting in last two days?
Spoke to boyf and he hopes i am pregnant but doubt it any ideas>
I guess the diet is mucking your body up , happened to my mate . you may get your period longer or may come on twice in a short time , best way to check is savers for a cheap test kit and will ease your mind , and boyfriends mind too
got one at home but would it show positive yet?
Dont worry it wouldnt ease our minds we'd love to be pregnant and whenever anything strange happens to my body were like right are we pregnant yet lol.
I dont think a pregnancy test would work yet if you finished your period 2 weeks ago.

Unfortunately, lots of people report lots of strange goings on with their cycle when on VLDC. SOme stop having periods, some have very long periods, some have very frequent but short periods.... Just one of the side effects that we have to put up with if we want to follow the diet.

I hope you are pregnant and will keep fingers crossed for you but dont get your hopes up to soon.
Think it can show b4 period but i'd think only a few days b4 you are due , but cheap ones unsure , used to use clearblue , it did give my sister a wrong response , said she wasnt and she was , but in savers they are cheap so , as you get to the day you can try ! If its what you want lets hope so , as for me , i'd cry lol
Hi, It is possible to spot when you ovulate. It could be the diet mucking your body around or it could be that the weight loss has helped give your fertility a boost. Anyway much too early for a pregnancy test!
Hi Splash
I just think you have to wait and see . Being on a diet does muck your TOTM up . We are all different, so our bodies will work different .
hi caused me a few problems when i did 3 packs a day as the soya milk can increase the ostergen to a high level especially if your like me peri menopausal Ta
Well I hope I am not premenopausal at 26 years of age lol.
I am going docs for my check up today anyway so I may mention it as been having perid like cramps over the last few days.
Dear FNM - losing significant amounts of weight can affect your hormone balance while you are doing it, and all sorts of things can happen to your periods as a result - it all generally goes back to your 'normal' within a couple of months of starting Route to Management.

HOWEVER, losing weight also makes you much more fertile, and therefore more likely to get pregnant, and anyone who does not want this needs to be particularly careful about birth control - I have seen a few unplanned LighterLife babies in my groups!

Please check out with your doctor whether you could be pregnant, and let your LLC know as soon as possible - if you are, you will need to come off the programme on a very accelerated 5 day zoom through Route to Management and back onto full conventional food nutrition.

Good luck either way!
Hi all.
well i have been bleeding for two weeks now nad went docs as theres alot of pain when i have aherm!
Anyway she thinks that I may actually have an ovarian cyst and am going to get a scan as the bleeding is getting heavier and is actually black and like i have a real heavy period!

Ah well 6 weeks to wait for a scan!
i have had some spotting myself, which is not normal for me but apparently quite common on this type of diet.

good luck with the scan
sil x