Started Exante


Full Member
Well, today was my first day of exante. I wish i could say it was my first attempt at Exante, but i'd be lying. I have tried most vlcd diets before and have never made it past the first week :ashamed0005:

I managed today ok, although i need to find a way to increase my water intake.

I am worried that this attempt will end up like those before. I will try my best.

Would love to hear from others! I do feel that it's nice to speak to peeps who are going through what you are! :gen126:

Hope everyone is well!
Hi!! Congrats on making a start - once you have the first couple of days out of the way, you'll either be in ketosis or very close to it! It does get easier :)
Hi and welcome! :)

You mentioned having done several of the VLCDs before but never getting past the first week - have you identified why you fall off the wagon then? It might help you to stay on board this time around
Hi and welcome! :)

You mentioned having done several of the VLCDs before but never getting past the first week - have you identified why you fall off the wagon then? It might help you to stay on board this time around

I think part of the problem was simply cravings - i didn't feel hungry, but i gave into cravings. The second reason was that i had got to day 5 and had a sneaky peak at the scales - i discovered i had lost 5lbs and felt really disheartened. I know it's a good loss, but i thought as it was my first week and because i have so much to lose that it would have been slightly more.

You're right though - i have identified where i went wrong. Hopefully i can make the right choice when faced with difficulty in the future. x
That's great that you've figured it out and hopefully it will definitely help you to not give into the cravings this time around! Thing is with cravings, if you ignore them they will eventually go away, and I know it's hard when all you can think of is a cornish pasty (trust me lol) but you feel so so so much better when you get past it and look back marvelling at how strong you were! And don't forget, it's not like you can never ever have those things you're craving ever again, you're just making a choice right now not to have them for a while and hopefully at the end of your journey you'll have re-evaluated everything enough to realise that you can still enjoy the things you love without overindulging in them and causing yourself harm. :)

Good luck hun! You can do it!
Hi there

Nice to see a fellow Scot here. Where a bouts are you it just says Scotland in your info which doesn't narrow it down much lol x

Lol - you're right - it doesn't give much away does it? I'm originally from Aberdeen, but live in Moray now :bolt: