Started in June Slimming Buddies....

i see you had a loss too amber well done!!!!! :D
well done

Welcome Sally Cinnamon!

WOW - well done everyone on your losses! Some great ones!!!

Tazzypops, we all get these minimal loss weeks, i'm sure next week you'll have a great loss. xx
I lost 4.5lbs this week, which is great since we had a day away with family who tend to feed us all day! Lol.

Amber, I havn't seen Oasis so feeling left out aswell!!! X
I lost 4.5lbs this week, which is great since we had a day away with family who tend to feed us all day! Lol.

Amber, I havn't seen Oasis so feeling left out aswell!!! X
Thats great Julianne :D i don't think i am going to lose much this week i couldnt resist weighing myself and i have only gone down a 1lb i am a bit afraid to be honest has my weigh in is monday morning i am sticking to the diet and walking for an hour a day then cross trainer few times a week
I'm trying to get exercise in but it's hard with a 12month old. I go on my cross trainer if I can, and walk most days. I try so hard not to get on the scales every day lol. I end up doing it though as I have a weight tracker on my phone, so I can see the line slowly going down on the chart. Hate it when it stays the same for a day or so!! X
I am lucky my kids are older 3 and 5 they leave me to it lol i am dreading tomorrow weigh in day :eek:
Congrats on the 1lb julieanne has long has you are losing i lost 2 and half this week which i am pleases with
Yes it is better than putting it on i am dreading that ever happening we had a right chuckle at class our consultant is really funny :D its good when you feel like you can have a laugh at class too
Id love to join you!... Im 34 live in Hampshire but was born and raised in Cornwall, I have a 15,11 and 4 yr old I work p/t as a cleaner a few mornings a week, I also live with my OH and our 2yr old choccy lab,

I lost 2 stone last year but regained it all because im a plank! .. Im joining a class this evening so Tuesdays will be my W.I day :)
Hiya all, i weighed in with a 1.5lb loss this week - rubbish - but atleast it's a loss. Should of passed on the ice-cream at the seaside the meal on the way home, the cider at the bbq, the indian takeaway and the wine i had - but hey-ho!! Star week too. I need to be very focused this week.

Good luck to all of you for weigh ins this week and newbies xxx

Welcome to all the newbies
1.5 is a good loss! ... 1 and half bags of sugar! ... i think its a good loss ! specially at TOTM ..........
They say between 1-2lb a week is healthy and the best way for it to come off :)
Have a great week
first meeting was 9th june.
started diet on 10th of june

good morning

well i thought i would join in the thread as i am a june starter i am 29 and mother of 5 (who 10 next week) alisha (9 in 2 weeks) jade (7 in aug) tamzin (4 today) and courtney who is 18 months. i started slimming world last week and on my first week i lost 5lb i will be happy to lose 1lb a week as i am getting married in sep so come sep it will be a stone my target weight is 10 stone and i will work hard to get there before my wedding day, i have been engaged for 12 years and my o h pupposed to me when iwas slim so i wanna marry him when i am slim not being wrried about my weight.cant wait to get to know you all.