Total Solution Started on Wednesday 24th October

Hi everyone

Im starting my diary to give myself a kick up the proverbial! This is day 4 for me and boy am I struggling! Looking for some positivity to get me through this difficult phase. All I can think about is food, what can I have to eat?, what's in the cupboards?, what would be OK to have and so on :eek:

My story is that I'm 5ft 9 weigh 96.3kg (done it in kilos coz it looks better - not), BMI 31.5, size 16ish. I have always been "big boned", how funny is that saying? Like many people here I have always struggled with my weight since childhood, yo-yo dieting throughout my life. I lost 2.5 stone 2 years ago and stopped smoking last year and guess what?...yip gained it all again.:mad:

I went on holiday in september and felt so uncomfortable within myself that decided to do this. I didnt realise how hard this would be, previously i would just smoke and have a coffee when i had a hunger pang but now that's not an option I find that I am struggling. I think I'm turning into a peppermint tea bag or a tank of water lol!

Think i didn't appreciate the emotional side of this and wasn't prepared to have feelings the way i have, it feels like it did when i gave up cigs. Anyway i try not to be negative and focus on the end goal but think i need a little help......can anyone give me a good stern talking to or some advice please.

welcome here and goodluck just keep coming here and you will b on the straight and narrow after reading some inspirational people's post,who are able to stay 100% on exante
Hey there

Day 5 and feel more positive than yesterday, not as hungry and in a better place me thinks. I need to resist the temptation of standing on the scales.

Ive just had my banana shake.....not sure about it yet but I'll give it another chance. I've drank 1.5litres of water and the same in black coffee. Looking forward to soup for my tea and mint choc shake for supper.

Just going to do housework, pick up kids n maybe go a walk. :p
Hi Em - you started the same day as me - how are you doing today?. Have been off work with a bad back and not sure if it has helped (ie. not being around biscuits etc in the office) or been a hindrance (i.e BORED) so not distracted enough to not think about food. I have nothing in the house, lucky I live on my own so I have just not got any food in, meaning it is easier to avoid temptation. Back to work tomorrow so I'll see how I feel when I'm back in the real world!!
Let us know how you have een today