Starting again.... hopefully I can do it this time!!

Hi there,
I did WW last year and had really good results initially(sadly I fell off the wagon). However, when I was on the plan I found that the daily points never quite stretched far enough and so I always spread the weeklies out equally to avoid going hungry. This meant I had 39 points a day and I tried to use them on healthy foods and ate lots of soup too. I decided not to 'treat' myself so I didn't need to save up points, I knew I just had to be very disciplined and eat well, be full but be very healthy. I also exercised daily but didn't add these extra points into my allowance in the hope that weight loss would be faster. This all worked really well and I managed to lose almost two and a half stone in four months! :)

Unfortunately I then became unwell with labrynthitis and had a month off work. I couldn't exercise, became depressed and stuffed my face.... then I was in my old mentality for the rest of the year where I let food control me and ate emotionally.... the result of this is that I am back at my starting weight :mad:

So now I'm in the right state of mind to start again. I've analysed my lifestyle and the way I eat. I know that I am always hungry and have major issues with hyperglycemia too. Also I suffer slightly with depression and anxiety. I have started to research some natural supplements and have discovered some very positive feedback about a B vitamin called Inositol.... apparently it can help with appetite control and hunger levels, depression and anxiety, blood sugar levels and high blood pressure/cholesterol, as well as hormone imbalance and conditions like PCOS. So I am starting on my weight loss journey again by doing the WW diet and taking Inositol as a supplement.... and I will let you know how I get on with both.

D-day is actually tomorrow so I'll be making lots of home made soups again, just like I did last year. My particular faves are butternut squash and bacon, meditteranean tomatoe and rice, mushroom, winter veg and chicken and curried carrot and butterbean.... they are all really easy and have little or no points in them. The best thing is they can all be made in a slow cooker so minimum effort is required :)

Wish me luck! xx :wave_cry:
You are in a great mindset!! I love your positivity :)

Your soup choices sound so yummy you should maybe pop the recipes up and share :)

Good luck though i'm sure you won't need it!