Extra Easy Starting again


Hi all I joined SW a while ago but didn't stick to it very well. I've tried loads of other diets but want to start SW again. At the moment with one thing and another I can't to go to meetings so I'm going to use this site like my meeting. The only problem I have is I can't find my books.
Would you be able to help me with how many syns I am allowed each day ( I think it was 15 when I was last there ) and how many syns for skimmed milk please. I'm sure I will have more questions but for now I think this is all I need to get me started. Thanx.
Are you wanting to do red, green, or extra easy?

On extra easy it's one HEA and one HEB. You are allowed 5-15 syns per day. If using skimmed milk as HEA you can have 350ml. If using it as syns it's 9 syns per pint.