Starting Again

Hi everyone. I'm Scifi, I'm 22 years old and last time I weighed myself I was over 22 stone. Yikes!

A few years ago, when I was 18 I dieted and gymed for 8 months, I really got into it, stopped craving unhealthy things entirely. I lost 8 stone, dropped from 22 to 14 at which I was a UK size 12 (I'm 6 foot 1) and felt really good about myself. But as soon as I was off the diet I realised that I'd not learnt how to eat, all I knew was either eating everything or eating nothing. But I coped, going to the gym still and though I fluctuated a little bit up and down I basically managed to keep myself in good shape.

Then, I got into a nasty relationship with a guy who wouldn't let me leave the house to go to the gym, but who would constantly send me out at midnight to macdonalds, he wouldn't ever cook for me (as I'm a vegetarian) not even when I was ill, but he also didn't want me cooking for myself and would get angry when I tried. In the year and a half I lived with him, I put ALL my weight back on and lost every scrap of confidence that I have.

When I moved out back in July, I joined slimming world and a gym and lost a stone and a half by September at which point I fell really ill. For the last five months I've been pretty much bed ridden and, once again, put the weight back on. I can't exercise properly and have felt no inclination to do anything but comfort eat and a part of me really hates what my relationship and my health have done to me these last few years.

But I've done it once.

I'm still not well enough to move about properly, but I have hand weights, I'm trying to walk up and down the stairs once a day at least (which, let me tell you, in my condition is exhausting!) and tomorrow I'm going to employ my mum to help me get on a pair of scales and weigh myself without using my crutches. If I can't exercise I can at least control what goes into my mouth.

I've decided to go back onto the slimming world diet, I really enjoyed it before despite the planning and forethought it takes. I have a lot of recipe books, guides and magazines a long with my old starter kit that they give you and I hope that using this diet will not only tech me how to eat sensibly but will also mean that I won't have to cut out all the delicious things that have been giving me solace these last five months.

I can be strong and I can do this and so can all of you x
Hello and welcome the forum, sounds like you have had a rough time and hope that all the worst is behind you! I do SW green day's as i'm a veggie as well, Hubby eats meat about once or twice a week not much, I have had to think of it as a life style change forever not the dreaded "D" word! I had a couple of weeks off plan over christmas because I had a heart operation and gained 9lbs :((( I'ts so so easy to put the weight back on.....For me it's a everyday struggle against the evil chocolate and crisp's but one witch I AM GOING TO WIN never going back to the "old" me lol.
Good luck with your weight loss journey hun, please stay in touch :) X
I'm always devastated to hear what passes for a man, treating a woman like this, I have to say this alien to me.
My wife and I who have been married 30 years are both pleased you have broken free of this, Slimming World will work wonders for you please keep us informed of how your weight loss journey goes. Good luck :)
Hi Scifi

It sounds like the worse is behind and of got rid of that horrible man.
One day at a time with some short term goals, and I am sure that you can do it again! x