Starting CD With Not Much Weight To Lose?

Aw Wannabe, you could be pleasantly surprised tomorrow! Will cross fingers and toes for you!
Well girls, it's the last day of my twenties...It has been lovely and sunny but I am starting to feel old... :( On the upside though I lost another 1lb so that makes 3 this week...Which means in 2lbs I will be 10 stone, in 2.5 I will be in the 9s!!! Yay!x Hoping to reach that before Saturday night but this is my third week too...hope to God I don't put on!
Bren hun, you probably won't see this until you come back but have a lovely holiday!!! :)x
Hey Everyone

Its only my second week! Had some quorn today so who knows what'll happen at WI.

On the plus side I think I can say I am officially a size 12! I've been buying 12s for a while now but convinced myself that they were from 'generous' shops.

Size 10 here I come!!! I actually tried on a pair of size10 trousers today and they did up!!! They were from ASDA though and are meant to be baggy (they werent!), hopefully I can go back in a few weeks and they will fit perfectly.

Going to get more tetras 2moro, they seem to be my favourite and last longer when I freeze them.

SV - Your 30s will be great! Well done on your loss this week :) Hope u have a fab birthday xxx
Wannabe well done hun, I would say you are much less than a 12- I'm a 12 and over 10 stone! And you're in your 9s already!!! I'm hoping for size 10s as well!!! Next month maybe!x
Thanks Dogtanian...I am really hoping this is a good decade! :)
Yippee - another 5'1 er! Wannabe10 snap! When I started LL at the beginning of this year I was 10 stone 11 so we started kind of near to the same weight also. What size were you at 10 stone 5? At 10 stone 11 I was a tight 14...

Its so funny how different people carry weight differently because I was a 12 at about the 10 stone mark!
yes annoying isn't it when someone the same height as you and heavier but wears smaller clothes!!! I am 10 st 10lb 5 foot 5 and am a 10/12 on top and 12/14 on the bottom -
on the clothes front thismorning put on two pairs of trous for work today both fell off - literally!!!!!! ebay is great for bargains though!!!
Hi all..

SV- Happy birthday to you....hope you have a lovely day.. welcome to the 30's club!!...... I am 32 next birthday.

Wannabe- great that you are shopping for smaller size clothes- sometime I think it takes our minds a while to catch up with our changing bodies- bet those jeans will be baggy soon.

Everyone- have a great day,

I have been very off track this week- wont post about it here I am going to unpick it on my diary. I dont see cdc and get weighed again till next monday so am going to be 100% on plan and focussed untill then and hopefully will see good results and not too much damage.
During LL and CD I have been an absolute menance on Ebay - I have spent so much on there! You really notice the difference in different shops sizes though. I have noticed Miss Selfridge clothes come up big which is a great thing!!
Happy birthday SV - another flirty thrity!!
on the clothes size front - I think Next are roomy too.
I have just bought a lush size 12 dress which I hope will fit - on the other hand I also bought a couple of size 12 trousers which are my goal to fit. One pair fit already!!!!