Starting judddd any tips / help?


Full Member
Hi everyone I'm looking at starting juddd next Monday and am looking for any tips and help, I have looked in the website but sometimes I think it's better to talk to people actually on the diet!

I think I understand the concept first 2 weeks down days have got to be below 500 cals, but looking for any meal ideas, is it best to get slim fast shakes?
Also do people cal count their up days?

Any advice/pointers greatly appreciated, anything you think would help, would like to understand as much about it as possible before I start!!

Hi and welcome

Im still pretty new - on my 3rd week and enjoying it so far. For food/meal ideas, the best thing to do is check out people's diaries. You can use meal replacement type products if you wish, as that certainly helps with calorie counting which is definitely very important on the DDs. I have done a mixture of using up some products which I had from doing a vlcd and have also used 'real' food.

For UDs, people have a variety of approaches - some don't count/log at all and just go with the flow. Others log but don't count or restrict in any way. Others are quite strict on UDs, making sure they log/count and stay within their UD maximum given on the JUDDD site - have you had a look at that?

Im doing 3 DDs a week, rather than a strict alternate day fast - many follow that approach here but some also do alternate days.

HTH and good luck!
Hi and welcome, firstly I don't know of anyone who has actually upped their DD cals after the first 2 weeks , as thats the fastest weightloss mode , but as you are lovely and light already Upping your cals may well be right for you after the initial 2 weeks that is. As you don't have much to lose I would go with the guidelines on juddd to start with, have you done the calculator to get your amounts? When you have more to lose you can get away with more on your UPs, you can have more free rein when you want to maintain but my advice to you would be for your first 2 weeks at least, stick with your allowance as you don't have much to lose.
Yeah most people stick to the induction 2000-500 as it seems to work well, why fix whats not broken!

You can eat your cals however you want, be it one meal or 4, shakes or food. As long as you don't go over its yours to use. A lot of people experiment before they find what exactly suits them :)