Starting Lipotrim in two weeks

Well the day has finally arrived - started this morning and so far so good 1/2 a day accomplished and I feel fine. I didn't feel too hungry. I have had a couple of hungry moments but got through this morning ok.

Thank you all for your support. I will keep logging in and letting you know how I am doing.

Faith - a fellow Lipotrimmer.
Well I have managed 2 whole days now and on my 3rd - am feeling better today than I did yesterday, felt AWFUL yesterday but am feeling better if not a little hungrier today. I have felt very cold which is so unlike me as I am normally really hot and I never wear a coat! I am also very tired but am looking forward to ketosis now so I can perk up a bit.

Apart from that I am actually ok. How brilliant!!! am weighing in on Saturday morning so watch this space .........
Hi Lillie, thanks for your support. I am drinking about 4.5 - 5.5 litres a day so thought that would be ok. Is that enough? I am on day 4 and feeling lots better. Can't wait to weigh, I already feel my clothes fitting a little better - might be all in the mind or it might not.............

I must admit I am struggling BIG TIME today. I haven't felt very well all week really and today I feel ill and SO hungry, even though I had breakfast early. I am going to have my lunch now but I am just aching for food. I know it's my addiction coming out but I don't know if I can carry on - I weigh tomorrow and I keep thinking, I won't buy anymore.

Please help
Losing faith! x
Dont lose Faith, Got will sound silly:D, I know what you mean though I went through that poo feeling yesterday, today I feel like different man well feel better and on I go - onwards and upwards. Come on keep it up:)
Hey thanks appreciate that - I am having my lunch and feeling a bit better. Just seems like a big task doesn't it? Every day, no food - do you ever stop thinking about food?

Faith - sounds better
yourll be fine faith..just think about how much you will have lost when you weigh in tomorrow xxx

h x
i taken to watching lots of cookery programmes and for some reason it seems to help lol and no i havent but im now starting to plan what im gonna do once i get to my goal weight :)

h xx
Hi Gotfaith, U Are Doing Really Well, Don't Give Up Carry On And Weigh In Is 2moro So You Will See How Much You Have Lost, That Will Spur You On, My First Week Aswell And Weigh In On Monday, Do Feel Like Food At Times But I Am Suprised How It Is Just Thirst At Times, I Must Have Been Mistaking Thirst For Hunger, One Thing I Will Be Doing When Refeeding Time Comes Is Drinking And Waiting To See If I Am Really Still Hungry, When I Do Think Of Food Now And WHEN FAMILYARE Sitting At The Table And Eating I Think "in 12 Weeks Time I Will Be Able To Have That And Not Feel Guilty Afterwards! It Is Not Forever And You Just Have To Remind Yourself Of That!! Take Care Honey And It Will Get Better, Good Luck For Weigh In.(not That You Will Need It!) Xx
Hi lil' miss faith how as your WI gone today, keep us posted?:)
I feel loads better today, mainly because I lost 10 lbs Oh yeah baby!! Last night I sat my family down and cried and said I don't think I could do it and I feel so fed up and hate it and can't do it and I feel ill - and then this morning I weighed - changed my whole perspective. You were all right. Thank you for your support. I can't believe my clothes feel baggier, my weight has gone well in to my lower stone (if that makes sense) Fantastic.

Well done hun. The first week is dreadful. The pharmasist told me A LOT give up before their first weigh in (she never sees them again) and that is a shame, because like all us guys, after that first weigh in, thats the boost that keeps us going. 10lbs is FANTASTIC. Just think next week you'll probably have lost a stone. Its amazing how quickly this diet works. My clothes felt baggy after a week. I though.....don't be silly there is no way they are, but they were. People started to notice very quickly which I loved and it kept me going.

Well done again. I'm so pleased for you.
fantastic news ..thats a great start :)

well done you

h xx
And you did - and some!! Well done. I had such an awful first week but today and yesterday I felt absolutely normal. Haven't even craved any food. Fantastic. Bring on another weigh in - can't wait x