Starting over with JUDDD


Full Member
I started doing JUDDD a few weeks ago, was doing fine for a few weeks and then just stopped and spent my time having UP all the time. I had this idea to put the weighing scales away for September and that seemed to be a disaster.

I weighed myself this morning and I have gained 5lbs!!!!!! So not impressed and knowing its my own fault even less impressed. I am now comitting to doing JUDDD properly and totally. Today is my DD, my DD will be M/T/Sat due to my work shift etc.

Plan for today is:

Cup of (honeydew) melon cubes - 60cal
& either a weightwatchers soup or meal - which I must get when shopping after.

I even went for a walk this morning after dropping my LO to school, there is a 'triangle' around the village which is about 2.5miles so I walked that. Will aim to do that at least twice a week and also I have realised I need to be weighing after each down day so that I keep myself on track. I won't make my Sept goal at all but hopefully will loose the 5lbs gain and more in October.

My official weigh-in will be on a Friday :)
good luck sounds like you have a good pl;an in place :)
Today's DD:

2 x Go Ahead biscuits (50 cals ea) - 100
WW Ocean Pie - 196
2 pieces Garlic Bread - 145
Cup black tea - 5
446 cals so far today.

Will have a can of Coke Zero later and I've been drinking hot water with lemon juice added, and prob another tea.

A good DD :)
fab day never thought about looking at ww meals etc
Well 1st proper DD done in a few weeks! I had an Options Hot Chocolate afterwards last night as I was so cold, it was 40 cals so total for DD was 486.

Today and tomorrow are UD. Breakfast this morning was a small banana and 3 Go Ahead biscuits. I then made cupcakes and decorated them with white chocolate buttercream so looking forward to having one with a cuppa when DD is home from school. Lunch is sausage sandwich, using them up before they go out of date.