Starting the Cambridge diet tomorrow! (Hope ive put this in the right place)


Hi everyone, I'm starting the cambridge diet tomorrow, does anyone have any tips?
hey Chrisy
Believe in yourself that you can do it , dont blame other ppl if you fall off the rails and take one day at a time and stay focused on why your doing this.
Always have a bottle of water with you to sip and dont think the whole diet will be as bad as the first few days!
I was your kinda weight when I started CD and I lost just short of a stone first week and 3 stone in 7 weeks , Im sure you could too:)
best of luck hunni
Jo x
hey Chrisy
Believe in yourself that you can do it , dont blame other ppl if you fall off the rails and take one day at a time and stay focused on why your doing this.
Always have a bottle of water with you to sip and dont think the whole diet will be as bad as the first few days!
I was your kinda weight when I started CD and I lost just short of a stone first week and 3 stone in 7 weeks , Im sure you could too:)
best of luck hunni
Jo x

Thankyou, its really encouraging hearing about other peoples success, and well done on your weight loss, hopefully i will be able to say that soon :)
I started on Monday and I started straight at the bottom with 3 shakes a day. It is the success stories that are keeping me going because I really could have drank a bottle of wine alongside a lovely takeaway tonight but got myself on here instead for some motivation and it really is a good reminder of why I am doing it. Best of luck to you, I hope you find the motivation you need to keep going x
My first weigh in is on Sunday....I hope it is a good one!
friday nights are a killer eh lol...old habits die hard dont they!
well done on resisting the wine and takeaway Im sure your loss on sunday will make it all worthwhile:)
chrisy said:
Hi everyone, I'm starting the cambridge diet tomorrow, does anyone have any tips?

Welcome to CD huni and good luck with your journey.. There is loads of support on here and everyone is friendly :)

The success stories are amazing hopefully mine will be added when I get to weight I'm happy with.. Been on it 4 week and already lost 23lb

Just think any loss is a good n the weeks u feel I've done good but it's not shown on scales it ight come off in inches :)

I love the mint choc shakes made with hot water I'm addicted and they're perfect for the cold winter nights :) xx
So glad I resisted the wine and takeaway....I lost 11lbs in my first week...I'm soooo happy :) x
Yay! That's fab news Rie!
So glad I resisted the wine and takeaway....I lost 11lbs in my first week...I'm soooo happy :) x

Well done thats fantastic :)