Starting today

On day 4 today and I'm doing alright, had a moment earlier when I just felt so wrecked and tired after quite a hard day out that I just felt like curling up and stuffing my face but I immediately rejected that thought. That's what got me into this in the first place so I'm gonna stick with it. And actually feeling very positive about it. :)

I'm in awe of you BeeBeeSee, today has been horrible for me, I feel so down. I knew my first Saturday would be tough; I haven't eaten anything I shouldn't despite a trip with a friend and my kids to a coffee shop loaded with cakes and the smell of cooked breakfasts so I should be pleased with myself, but I just feel sad. I know Exante is the right thing for me, I know when I get on the scales on Tuesday morning I will be a very happy bunny but right now I just feel rotten.

Has anyone else felt like this?
SammyB, I feel the same, sad. I'm not hungry or anything but I'm realising how much of my weekend (and life) revolve around food. My OH has been out playing cricket all day and i've been doing housework etc. and been trying to think of something we can do this evening and all i can think of are usual things, out for meal, pub etc its terrible!! (went to cinema last night). I feel like I just want to go to bed!
I totally understand what you are saying. Saturday night means snuggling on the sofa in front of the tv with some snacks, I know that's what probably got me into this state but I'm really missing not having that to look forward to. It does make me realise what a complicated relationship I have with food though, I'm going to have to find a different 'reward' for a start!
That's really encouraging to hear that you're doing so well and great news about your blood sugar!! How's your wife doing on the programme?

On day 4 today and I'm doing alright, had a moment earlier when I just felt so wrecked and tired after quite a hard day out that I just felt like curling up and stuffing my face but I immediately rejected that thought. That's what got me into this in the first place so I'm gonna stick with it. And actually feeling very positive about it. :)

Thanks BBC. My wife has postponed her start on Exante simply because she's started a new job at very short notivce, so I said it might be best to wait a week ir two so the side effects of going into ketosis don't affect her new job. She's still mega supportive though and not eating in front of me etc. Although I can honestly say I don't think it would really bother me that much now!

Well done on rejecting those thoughts. I'm exactly the same; it comes to the evening after hard day and all I want to do is eat junk and slouch on the sofa. Positive mental attitude is the key. You CAN do this! :)
Sammy and Foley, I felt a little down on day two and a little bit through day three but it definitely does pass. I'm just done with day 5 and feeling awesome.

The weekend is tough. I work in a taxi office as my second job and everyone orders takeaways. I managed to resist and actually didn't mind when everyone else ate theirs in front of me. To help fight the urges I've been having early nights and have spent more time indulging in my hobby: photography (although I suck at it!!!).

I've decided to weigh myself every week and I'm really looking forward to seeing what the scales have to say on Tuesday :)
Thinking ahead already but are you planning to eat every 4th week like exante suggests or just stick with packs? When I did LL I abstained from food for 18 weeks - can't see why this would be any different. I would prefer to stay away from food if possible.

I was wondering about this too. I'm not too sure really. Strictly speaking I suppose we should have that break week every 4th week, as per the Exante guidlines. But, would it do any harm not to and just continue without food? I guess not if you don't have to do it on LL. I may do just 2 or 3 days with food in that 4th week just to break it up a little and prevent me falling off the proverbial wagon!
Hi everyone! Just been catching up on this thread. 1st weigh in is looming for you all, I hope you are all getting excited! Good luck.
I have just started week 5 and have not had a week off ts since I started. Exante put the advice on there but you don't have to do it, I don't think many people do!
Keep going guys and girls and looking forward to reading your losses :)
yes that makes sense, hope all goes well with your wife's new job and I'm sure seeing you do well will help her enormously. I think the biggest thing at the moment for me is socialising, I am a very sociable person, always visiting friends or having them around and this last week I've been popping around/having them over after dinner for a cuppa rather than for dinner. But had to turn down an invite this evening which was basically just one big food fest and I don't think I'd be very happy sitting there spending my energy resisting.

How are you all doing in terms of telling people about your diet? I've not told anyone about the actual Exante diet, just a few people that I'm really cutting back and low-carbing so they won't ask questions if I turn down food. How are you all handling this?

@ frenchie34 Good luck in week 5, sounds like you're well established with this diet and you're doing well, I find that very encouraging. And if I remember correctly from another thread you've lost a lot already, congrats on your hard work :)
I was wondering about this too. I'm not too sure really. Strictly speaking I suppose we should have that break week every 4th week, as per the Exante guidlines. But, would it do any harm not to and just continue without food? I guess not if you don't have to do it on LL. I may do just 2 or 3 days with food in that 4th week just to break it up a little and prevent me falling off the proverbial wagon!

I've been thinking about this one, I think having proper food would make it hard for me. But I think I read on Exante website that you could have those extra 200kcal per day that are recommended during the break as a milk allowance. So if I feel I want to do the break, I might just make my porridge with milk instead of water or something like that. I think for us girls in particular the munchies can hit us hard during certain times of the month and knowing there is that option of perhaps having something in addition to the shakes/bars etc might make the difference between sticking with it or falling off the wagon entirely as you say. Sometimes just knowing helps, a bit like having some spare cash when you have a browse through the shops. You might not end up spending it but knowing you could if you wanted to is a nice feeling! ;)
Yes, I am 1 stone 5 lbs down so far. My original goal was 1 stone 7lbs but am aiming for 2 stone. (other half is in navy and overseas till June 11th so this gave me a 10 week opportunity) 6 weeks to go and 9lbs to lose.
I always give myself the option of turning a ts day into a ws day if I feel I need it but when I actually sit myself down and think about what I would have I manage to talk myself out of it. But having that option gets rid of the pressure of my inner binge eating demon rearing his ugly head. Some days are really hard though and I come here for that support.
How are you all doing in terms of telling people about your diet? I've not told anyone about the actual Exante diet, just a few people that I'm really cutting back and low-carbing so they won't ask questions if I turn down food. How are you all handling this?

I've told my mum and that's it so far. When I did LL 4 years ago, my closest friend did not 'understand' the diet! She said it was dangerous, bad for me, unhealthy blah blah blah! She kept telling me to just eat less....something I had already tried my whole adult life...I need food taken out of the equation and something with fast results. She would not talk to me about the diet, she did not want to know if/how much weight I was losing...she would get stroppy if I went to hers or out with her and did not eat! Although I lost 6 stone - she did not once compliment my weight loss. It was a horrible time and there was no talking her round. Then obviously after gaining all the weight back I get "told you so" all the time! I'm going to have to tell her again as she likes to cook all her slimming world recipes for me and invites us over for BBQ's a lot. There is no hiding a VLCD and I do not want to break 100% just to keep her happy. I have to do this for myself and if that means a friend not talking to be it.

I'm not worried about telling anyone else as their thoughts and opinions do not bother me. When I did LL last time - with the exception of this one friend every one else was very supportive.

A VLCD has 100% of all the vitamins and nutrients I need - more than I get eating chocolate and crisps
Ketosis is a normal metabolic state and is safe
Carrying on as I am is far more dangerous to my health than a VLCD
Frenchie your loss is amazing - well done!! Did your OH know you were going to do Exante? x
Definitely the hardest in the evenings for me. I have work and my kids to keep me busy until around 7pm. After that, my brain kicks into food addict mode and I crave absolutely any food I can get my hands on! Plenty of water has helped when I've had hunger pains though.

Evenings are my danger zone too so been habing some early nights
I'm on day 6 and guessing I should be in ketosis now, feeling so much better than yesterday. Gonna get busy and take the kids to the park soon and have my first shake when we get back. Compared to how I was feeling yester, Im on top form today
I've told my mum and that's it so far. When I did LL 4 years ago, my closest friend did not 'understand' the diet! She said it was dangerous, bad for me, unhealthy blah blah blah! She kept telling me to just eat less....something I had already tried my whole adult life...I need food taken out of the equation and something with fast results. She would not talk to me about the diet, she did not want to know if/how much weight I was losing...she would get stroppy if I went to hers or out with her and did not eat! Although I lost 6 stone - she did not once compliment my weight loss. It was a horrible time and there was no talking her round. Then obviously after gaining all the weight back I get "told you so" all the time! I'm going to have to tell her again as she likes to cook all her slimming world recipes for me and invites us over for BBQ's a lot. There is no hiding a VLCD and I do not want to break 100% just to keep her happy. I have to do this for myself and if that means a friend not talking to be it.

I'm not worried about telling anyone else as their thoughts and opinions do not bother me. When I did LL last time - with the exception of this one friend every one else was very supportive.

A VLCD has 100% of all the vitamins and nutrients I need - more than I get eating chocolate and crisps
Ketosis is a normal metabolic state and is safe
Carrying on as I am is far more dangerous to my health than a VLCD

That's awful Becka, as your friend she should be supportive of you trying to make such a major change to your life, and if she actually bothered to look into it she'd have seen that it's not dangerous etc. Uninformed people shouldn't be allowed an opinion as far as I'm concerned. Just ignore any negative comments and show her and everyone else that you can do this and keep it off!
The only people who know are the girls in the office, everyone else thinks I am back on slimming world. OH knows I am losing weight, he has lost a stone through working in 49 degree sun and working out in gym everyday. I am deliberately not putting pics of myself on fb so he can't see (not many of me on there anyway!)
Absolutely no hunger today - still have one pack to go and just don't need it. I am soooooo cold!!! Anyone else suffering with the keto freeze yet?
Absolutely no hunger today - still have one pack to go and just don't need it. I am soooooo cold!!! Anyone else suffering with the keto freeze yet?

i too have not been hungry today. i have just had my last pack and feel very full. i am very cold as well my feet and hands especially.
my dh is giving me no support at all and keeps telling people Im on 'one of those stupid shake diet things'. he has even been kind enough to bring home lots of snacks,ask if i want to eat out and also had 3 takeaways in front of me! when i explain how the diet works he literally takes the mickey out of me. his attitude does make me more determined to succeed though
Hi everyone. Been one hectic day and I'm really shattered! Well done to everyone who's made it through today. I too am suffering from cold hands and feet today but still feeling slightly hungry. Not to the extent of the hunger pangs I've previously had, just a slightly empty feeling. I'm putting it down to thirst as after I've had some water its gone.

Its a real shame that your OH isn't supportive sukiblk. I'm very lucky that my wife is and although it does help, just think how smug you'll feel when you reach your target weight thanks to sticking to this :)

Just a quick question, I'm struggling with the taste of water. Although I'm drinking litres of the stuff, its not very nice!! Is there anything I can add to it to give it some taste?
Absolutely no hunger today - still have one pack to go and just don't need it. I am soooooo cold!!! Anyone else suffering with the keto freeze yet?

Me, me, me! Lol. My hands and feet have been freeeeeezzzzzing all day today. Suppose its a good sign?