Step 3 advise PPLLEEAASSEE!!


Full Member
Evening everyone,
Im really confused!! I've met with my new CDC today (as was to embarassed to go to my old one due to many, many restarts!!) and have been told as I have a BMI over 50 I have to start on step 3.
In one way, it seems good because I will probably find it easier to stick to... But in another, my mindset is less calories, more weight loss... I've seen others on here doing SS and SS+ with BMI's high so I don't know.
Could someone doing step 3 let me know their weight losses etc because for me it's all about the scales if the numbers don't move quick enough I get disheartened as I have a lot to loose.
If you have enough packs can't you really do what ever step you like???

(just saying, you can decide what you eat or rather don't eat)
I suppose your right Simonne...MY CDC kind of convinced me that for health reasons, as I have an under active thyroid,and am on meds for it, this would be safer.
So I am a little scared to anything lower now!!
I suppose he only thing I can do is try it and see....