Struggling near target...join us for encouragment

sorry been awol for a couple of days but been a hetic few days, and I've been picking :copon: also daughter need comp for coursework. I didn't get the job :cry: but I'll keep on looking something will turn up.

well done badger you'll make an amazing cdc. I'm just off the the gym myself see if I can boost the weght loss.

went out last night on a 40th meal with friends, had tuna salad for starters but veg stroganoff for main but left most of the rice, and no pud just a black coffee, and watched everyone else tucking into choc fudge cake etc, I didn't drink either just water so hopefully not too much damage done, but feel really fat and bloated.:cry:
Trish, those sound like really smart choices, please don't feel bad about them! The whole point of this last stage of CD is finding ways to adapt back again towards the real world, and fit good choices into our lives? I think you did great. Never mind about the job... it can't have been the right one for you, something better will be along soon!


well, here i am, in portugal. I step into my bedroom and what do i find in the bathroom.... God damn scales! No escape from diet for me then grrrr
Woooooo!!!!!! Hello, my travelling friend! Ignore those scales... hide them under the bed... chuck 'em out of the window... just enjoy the sunshine and make the best choices you can. HOLIDAY!!!!!! It's bank holiday weekend here & we are off camping later... not quite Portugal, but hey!

How is it going? Is it brilliant?

Hi all

Trisha - I agree with Katycakes - well done on smart choices, I'm sure after a few glasses of water you'll soon rid yourself of the bloated feeling. Be proud - you did really well (hope I can do the same myself tonight!)

OOOOh Crazy - you lucky gal on holidays in Portugal, ignore the scales and enjoy the holiday.

Katycakes - It's lovely and sunny here, so hope its the same for your camping trip. Braver woman than me - I like my creature comforts (mind you, I am thinking back to the days camping as kids....quite basic ameneties LOL).

I'm pleased to say that I'm over the big hurdle of the cake making - filling three layers, cutting it into a heart shape and covering it with roll out sugarpaste - woo hoo! It looks just how I want it to (so far). After WI I'll do the fun stuff - going to cover it with red hearts (sugarpaste ones) and write Happy 25th anniversary on it and their two names meeting in the middle (Marie - Chris - the R and the I will be shared - aaaah). Will post piccie later.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all!
Well done Trish on eating out, good choices!! Shame about the job, probably fate as something better will be just around the corner!
Katycakes enjoy your camping, sounds great, were getting the caravan sorted for the summer, plenty of weekends away!
Hello crazylilblondie in Portugal, have a great time, I love Portugal. Hide them scales hun!!!

Im going all out for no nibbling or picking today...whos with me?
I'll be good up until tonight Hels, then we are having a meal at pub by campsite with our friends... haven't seen them since last summer so they have no idea about diet, and thought I could handle this. So will make best choices I can and get straight back on it afterwards. Have packed CD bars & fruit & cottage cheese already!

Minz, googled the campsite our friends have suggested and it is very basic - cold water!!! A bracing wash that'll be!!! Arghhh. But it's just one night so will survive, and it'll be great to see the friends. Hels, will be with you on the no-pick promise as soon as I get back home tomorrow afternoon.

Sun is shining... please let it stay that way!!!

WOW what amazing weightloss! Another inspiration! Well done on the exercising, although most think its EVIL!!!
Thank you :)
Have to admit I hated exercise but ive actually started to enjoy it now, guess these spare tyre and moobs are gonna need some help.
1 girl that sees my councilor ran the marathon last week, cant believe it :eek: ah well rather her than me.
Haha moobs! as long as they are a 'a' cup and not a 'dd' LOL
well, here i am, in portugal. I step into my bedroom and what do i find in the bathroom.... God damn scales! No escape from diet for me then grrrr
Lol you cant get away. Take them on a trip to the pool and let them go for a swim!

Katy have a lovely time camping, Im with Minz (cant wait to see her cake) give me a hotel any day, prob not as fun though.

Trish sorry about the job but I belive in fate and there just may be something better just round the corner.

Day seven
Ive said it over and over this week, yesterday I had no organisation what so ever. Had a boots bar for breakfast as I was at the Drs in the morning. I went out with a friend at dinner and they had nothing veggie so went without. I had a yogurt and packet of snack a jacks in the afternoon as I was starving. At night I had a quorn, cucumber and salad creme sandwich and a small piece of lindt choc rabbit. It hit me when I was in bed that I had no CD products all day oops and also no fruit or veg, just junk. I was expecting at the most to sts this morning so delighted I lost 1 lb. It really helps for me to keep this little diary.
Well I've finished the cake - earlier than expected and all went to plan.....25 hearts around the sides and two little ones on top for their 2 kids.

Wow Minz, cake is amazing!!! Virtual cake... cake porn... calorie free!!! No guilt!!! You are very clever hon and have the willpower of a saint for not eating it!!!

Trip, please tell me your secret... I am stuck at same weight forever and nothing will move it, even though I have been trying REALLY hard all week! Well done honey on your loss.

Thanks Katycakes - I may have to sample a bit tonight though - would be rude not to (LOL)

Great news on the WI front - another 2lbs off so that 52lbs and my lowest so far (got to 51 last November!) all good in my camp today. :)

Stick with it everyone - believe you can, and you WILL succeed!
well done on the wi minz and trip.
enjoy the holiday crazy, hid the scales.
enjoy the camping katy.

I weighed myself and 5 lb gain after last night:cry:hoping its just water, been drinking loads. also burned 450 cals at gym plus swam 40 lengths hoping to repair some damage. going out on a power walk after my shake.
WOW, the cake looks amazing well done you! It would be plain rude not to sample your own wares!
morning all, feeling much better today and lost 3.5 lbs of the weight gain from friday eve out, hope you're all having good weekend. My daughter has the car, to pick her boyfriend up, so can't go to the gym, so off on a power walk, going to the pub to meet with friends this afternon, when daughter gets back with the car, i'm driving so no need to explain why no drinking.
YAY well done Trisha, thats fab.

I have just bought a new dress to wear to go out in for my birthday ..... its a size 14 and above the knee (eek) Yippeee!