Struggling near target...join us for encouragment

Woohoo!!! It sounds fab... well done honey!

Well done Trisha - keep it up girl!

The dress sounds lovely Hels123smiles - any chance of a photo - please?

How did the camping go Katycakes?

Well, what a fantastic night the 25th wedding anniversary celebration was. We all met at a lovely restaurant nearby and had one of the nicest meals I've had in a long time (and not just because I've been on 810 with limited choices LOL).

After the meal we went back to their house and the champers was brought out and the best man gave a fantastic speech. After the speech, I sneaked out with my neice to get the cake, and she went back to the room ahead of me to grab my camera. I came in with the cake sparking and the look on their faces was priceless! They loved it! The night finished up about 2am and I could do it all again - it was brilliant!

Got on the scales this morning and am back to what I was on Saturday morning, so hopefully not too much damage done by Saturday night.....

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Oh Minz... get you in that GORGEOUS little dress!!!! And the cake looks to die for. I am glad you had a brilliant time, you deserved it!

Camping was fab... it rained overnight, so not as much sleep as I'd hoped for... rain can be very loud when you are in a tent! And rained a bit Sunday morning, but cleared later so we all had a good mooch around Keswick (which was mobbed). The site was very basic and there were no LIGHTS in the loos, let alone hot water!!! Eek! But it was by a river and waterfalls, and had a great, almost festival-feel. So good to see our friends as well... hadn't seen them in ages and they had lovely things to say about the weight-loss, I forget sometimes now that I haven't been this size in living memory (just about!). Food choices - mostly happy with them, but found myself trapped in a tent with a big spread of food on Sun morning and managed to eat a good bit of it, even though I had already had brekky, so THAT was not good. But no beating up will be done, will just learn and move on.

Desperate to shift this last 2.4lbs before Thursday WI but it is not looking good. I think they are glued to me for life.

Thanks Katycakes.

The camping (despite the rain) sounds like a great catch up with mates, and lovely to get all those compliments - bet that felt great. Back on the wagon now.....a lot can happen by Thursday, so get glugging.

I'd love to have been at goal by Friday (my birthday) but will be so close, that'll have to do.....can't see a 3lbs loss this week but maybe 1 or 2 if I'm saintly! Everything crossed. x x
katy and minz sounds like you both had a fab time! I went to the gym this morning then we've been out all afternoon walking, mostly in the rain but it was still good to get out.
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Hi Trish... walking in the rain sounds great, wish I'd done that... stayed in and worked. Sigh!

Oh wow, you looked great in that little dress hun! And Katycakes the camping sounds great, it always p's it down when I go to the lakes lol! The scales said 10st this morning but Im always about 2lbs lighter in the morning, and darent go on the Wii to see what that says.
I have been doing 810 this week while DH has been home(works away 2 weeks, home 1 week) and counsellor suggested to do that, then go back on to SS for 2 weeks then start 810 properly, but it seems a bit daft, so might just start 810 as Im only 7 lbs off target now ( I hope/think!!) What do you all think??
If i were you, id stay on 810. I always had good losses on it! I have been away for the weekend so missed my minimins :-(
The heart shaped cake sounded yummy, shame I didn't see the picture of it. How bloomin' windy is it? x
Hi Sleepy, hope you had a great weekend!

Hels, I agree, stay with 810... it's a great plan and useful to keep food in the picture as it helps to re-educate. Go for it!

Thanks all, thats what Ill do then, Ill have a chat with my CDC when I see her next.
I bought a pair of 10 trousers today, whoopie! I know they were a large 10, but hey a 10 is a 10 lmao!

How is everyone today? Hope your all well? My DH is going back to work again on thursday for 2 weeks, I hate it when he is away.
OMG, size ten... you lucky thing!!! Must be such a great feeling!!!! Even at goal I know I will never be size 10... just not possible! Chin up... you will be OK while OH is away. I am about to go away to work myself next Tues, for almost 3 weeks. I will miss my OH & kids, and I will be abroad so will have to rely on skype & mobile calls... NOT looking forward to it. Anyway... not for another week!!!

Aww hun, that sounds pants. Where will you be? What do you do for work?
I have never been a 10 in my life, I think there was a sizing error lmao!!
I am going to fab places - Singapore, Aus & NZ - so I should be excited but actually just a bit scared. Have never been to any of those places before and will be going out alone, meeting & working with overseas colleagues in each place. And three weeks sounds like forever! Also, there is the fear of having to be CD-free as I cannot take packs into those countries, and as you can see I am not as far up the steps as I had planned to be... darn it.

All the same, I will try to be positive and enjoy it (I AM thrilled to be able to see those places even though I won't have much free time) and make the best choices possible, and I WILL stay in touch with minis while away as I am taking laptop anyway & will need the support. So I will REALLY need you guys!!!

Size 10... no mistake, Hels, that's YOU. Size bl***y 10. And not by accident, but by hard work and determination... you give hope to us all!

Morning everyone, sorry I have been missing for a few days a washing machine leak and my real wood flooring had an argument and my floor lost big time :-( Just hope my insurance covers it. Ive even forgot what day im on for my diary but anyway Im happy to say I'm still the same now, after a dominos on saturday.
Hels well done in the 10's wow! I also agree whith everyone re 810. I wish I had stayed on it until target.
Katy it's not fair I want to come too with you. It sounds fantastic. What kind of job do you have that lets you do that. Im in the wrong profession.
Minz glad your cake went down well. It sounde lovely.
hi everyone sorry not been on for a coiple of days but my daughter needed the comp. I've had a bad couple of days just can't stop eating rubbish and gained a couple of lbs, so feeling really down. I don't know why I just can' stick to cd at the moment. think I might do ss+ for a couple of days and see if I can get back on track.
Aww Trisha, chin up, you can do it look how far you have come already, Katy thatsounds amazing!!

Im having a bad time with my 3 yr old and Night terrors, its been so bad it makes me cry :-(
Aw, hugs Trish... we've all had weeks like that. I think it takes a long time to really re-train our tastes and behavior around food, I know I will be having struggle times like that for a while to come. I know it seems tempting to go back to the 'safety' of SS+ but maybe try 810 or 1000 - a bit less drastic yet still much more controlled?

You've come so far, and it does get harder the closer you get to goal... but you CAN do it!

Hels, crossed with you... big hugs. I remember this with my daughter, she would sleepwalk and talk and be absolutely terrified and sweating, then come back to herself and not quite understand what had happened. It is really upsetting but it does pass.

Thanks hun. She is just terrified of going to bed, and remembers all the dreams which is unusual bless her. I hate the fact you just cant console them......sorry totally off topic lol!

Had a bit of a greedy day, ate waaaay too much salad and pickked at the kids cauli cheese and roast parsnips eeek! Oh well it could have been MUCH worse!!

I think when Im done on CD Im gonna go on a leftovers diet.........where I dont cook for myself but just eat the kids leftovers hahahahaha.
Hi all, 2.4lbs off... taking me to just .2 of a lb above target! This is mental torture!!!! Still, it is moving in the right direction, so I'm happy... and switching up to 1200 today. Yay!!!
