Struggling near target...join us for encouragment

Thanks chick. I have been struggling with DD and sleeping and I have been taking it out on food, which in turn has upset me as I realise I havent come very far if I can just turn to food when things arent going great. Grrrr!
I think a bit of shopping might just do the trick and get me back on track :p

How's everyone else?? Hope your having lovely weekends :)
My weekend has been lovely so far Hels and partly thanks to a big injection of shopping yesterday... good scales, undies that fit and a size 12 dress!!!! And today the sun is shining. Have fun at the shops hon and keep smiling. Hugs.

hi everyone, off for a long walk. I'm going to take it 1 day at a time, rather than think mustn't cheat this week, I mustn't cheat today!

would love to go shopping but want to lose more weight before I buy anything else, ive spent so much recently on new clothes, plus not really got any spare cash, busy saving for daughter going to uni, its going to cost a fortune, and I don't want her to end up in a load of debt, so any spare cash is being saved her her.
Morning everyone and thanks for all the birthday wishes. My WI showed a 2lb gain but I haven't changed my ticker as i'm determined to lose that this week - once ToM is gone :-( The 25th meal and a very late one in work (when I ate things I shouldn't have) plus a birthday lunch, all left their mark so I'm back to being good and am going to do 1000Kcal for the next two weeks.

Have booked a holiday to Greece (on my aching plastic!) on 15th June for 8 days, so that's my next actually GET to goal by then.

Sun is shining here too Katycakes (and well done on the size 12!), so let's have a good one! x
Well done on the size 12 dress katy!!! Whoooo! And Minz you have got your hols the same time as me, I go on the 11th but for 2 weeks. I love Greece, where you going??
I went to Matalan and bought some holiday stuff that was half price, inc a binkini (??!!???!!!!) and some dresses and some teeny size 12 shorts (!!??!!!???!?!) I went to a car boot and bought some fab jeans and a top (both 12s!) for £1.50! Trish, I cant really afford new stuff, everything I have bought in my new sizes has been really cheap, and have got some great stuff at the car boots as Im seeing that size as a stop gap, although I want to wear smaller stuff to keep my confidence boosted. I looked awful in my old jeans.
Im back on the exercise plan tonight as long as my DD gets to bed ok.

WI on Wednesday.............BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont forget the supermarkets, some real good quality stuff for very cheap. Infact i'd say as far as every day wear goes, the stuff is as good quality as the high street unless your going for labels.

Hows everyone getting on anyway?, sunday afternoon so all the lovely smells are in the air and its ultra hard, temptation is at its highest but ive been perfect as of yet.
oh I know about cheap clothes I live in primark and charity shops, plus there's a really good cheap dress agency near me I got some fab Karen millen jeans for about £8.00 and a gorgeous whistles dress for £12.00. (I normally don't go for labels but they were so cheap I couldn't resist)

been on a long hike today, and so far done okay diet wise.
Trisha, you asked on another thread what sort of scales I had bought... digi ones by Salter, from Boots, £19.99. Magic ones, as today I was 10st 13.5 lbs!!!! YAY!!!!

Hope everyone is good today. I am still packing....

Yippee thats great going KC! Whens D Day?Im OK, at work today, I rarely cheat at work, always so busy.Last night I went on the Wii, I hadnt been on for 9 days I just havent had time on an wasnt all bad.............I had only lost 2lbs in 9 days, but considering my crap days, not too bad, but it said that I was now in an IDEAL BMI whoppppp!!! Im now 24.69. I wont change my ticker just yet as my CDC scales are a bit different, but hopefully Ill be in the 9's by Wednesday?!?
Hels that is fab!!!! Size ten jeans and ideal BMI!!!! Yay!!! Heading off tomorrow for overseas trip, train to London, then heathrow, then fly at 10-ish. Eeekk!!! Will keep posting as much as I can for support! Got to finish packing today... don't think the scales will fit in my case, grrr!!!

Wow, exciting stuff!! You wont need your scales, bet when you get back youo'll have a nice surprise Im sure you will make sensible choices, and make the most of the hotels with fitness centres and pools etc, you'll just be back then Ill be going!!
Wow katy well done thats fantastic news. :happy036:Dont go away from this board just yet though we need your words of wisdom. Good luck for tomorrow, we all want to come with you, have a great time and bring some sunshine back with you.

Well done Hels a healthy BMI is great you must be so near your target now.

Ok I had a few days off yet again I'm so fed up as I have again put on (6lbs). I get to a few lbs off my target then go off the rails, I don't know why I do it.:confused: I went out for a family birthday meal on saturday and used the 3 days before as an excuse to eat. I'm 100% now and just had my first banoffee shake. This really has to be my last attempt to get to target I can't keep doing this. Really cant face changing my main ticker.:cry:
Hugs Trip. I do know how you feel... feels like I have done the same thing again & again since getting close to target. All I can say is stay with it... 100%... and you will get there. I honestly think I make a hundred mistakes for every lesson learned, but in the end I do learn... and I don't want to go back to a point where I am not in control. You can do this... and you've come too far to give up now.

Banoffee... inspired!!! And no, I won't be going anywhere... still need the support and you guys are fab!

hels well done on the healthy bmi.
katy - enjoy your trip, do you want someone to carry your case?
trip I'm exactly the same, so close and yet so far away from my goal - every time I get close I sabotage it :confused: like you I don't change my ticker as it normally drops off again in a few days. We just have to stay with it 100% like Katy says and eventually we will get there, we're just taking the scenic route instead of the motorway!!
Thank you katy and Trisha. I'm just really mad with myself for doing it yet again.
we're just taking the scenic route instead of the motorway!!
LOL nicely put. I'm going round the whole of the country though including all the hills and mountains!
Thank you katy and Trisha. I'm just really mad with myself for doing it yet again.
LOL nicely put. I'm going round the whole of the country though including all the hills and mountains!

Classic!!! stick with it hun xx
Ok I changed my ticker.:( I have found it has motivated me rather than the opposite. Bl**dy hell though I now have nearly a stone to go. Thats my........:asskick:to stop messing around!
Trisha join me on the motorway, but now going in the fast lane and overtaking;) x