STS/Limited weight gain diary

It's very very hard though, if I wasn't pregnant I don't think I could cope with the pain, it's weird the pain you can put th with while pregnant when otherwise you'd not cope as well x
Weighed in today and I've stayed the same so happy..thats 13lb gain at 29 weeks
Today- cocoa rice- 150 cals
alpen bar- 125 cals
mini milkyway-80 cals
Tea will be- chicken in mushroom sauce with veg and yorkshire puddings- 517 cals
apple crumble and custard- 450 cals
creme egg- 150 cals
Total- 1472 cals
cocoa rice-150 cals
Alpen bar-125 cals
Tuna sandwich- 316 cals
Yoghurt-59 cals
Creme egg-150 cals
Mini caramel-90 cals
Piece of fudge-70 cals
Rose sweet-54 cals
Quorn burger-280 cals
Creme egg-150 cals
Worsits-95 cals
1529 in total
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Today- cocoa rice- 150 cals
alpen bar-125
soup and crusty roll-248 cals
creme egg- 150 cals
pasta bake-560
creme egg-150 cals
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xxxjessiexxx said:
U love ur creame eggs mmmmmm I love curly wurly and eclairs mmmmmmmmm ate a whole bag lol

Eee I know it's my one craving! Having a panic on with not being able to get them from most places so I'm stockpiling ooh I haven't had a curly wurly for years :) x
Pound shop 3 for a quid lol I got one in my fridge u can have my mil did Charlie a Easter egg hunt and he got 30 I gave them all away lol
wheetaflakes- 130 cals
alpen bar-125 cals
2 chocolate digestives- 166
piece of victoria sponge- 200 cals
3 chocolate roses-160 cals
tomato pasta bake- 423 cals
creme egg- 150 cals
Total- 1354 cals
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Cocoa rice-150 cals
Alpen bar-125 cals
2 toast with sandwich spread-150 cals
Jellies-100 cals
Tea will be- quorn burger and wedges 528 cals
blue ribband- 99
creme egg- 150
cheese on toast- 160
Total-1462 cals
Just weighed 1lb gain
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wheetaflakes- 130 cals
tuna sandwich-316 cals
alpen bar- 125 cals
creme egg-150 cals
yoghurt-59 cals
Noodle stirfry with chicken n veg- 675 cals
Blue ribbon-99 cals
Jaffa cake-43 cals
3 boiled sweets-100 cals
Creme egg-150 cals
1847 cals
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Need to get back on track, weekends are sending me all to pot. I need to buy some proper scales as at the minute just going to boots to get weighed n only get down on a Tuesday. Once I'm on mat leave I will change my weigh in day so it's not straight after the weekend!
Wheetflakes-117 Cals
Tuna sandwich-316 cals
Yoghurt-60 cals
Creme egg-150 cals
Alpenbar-125 cals
space raiders- 122
pasta n bol sauce- 559
twix- 288
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That's really good today, I bought some digital ones £12 from argos they're great x
Aw I will look there and buy some, its no good just going to boots once a week. Plus I want to weigh as soon as I get home from hospital, I may look a little odd and obsessed if I try and get there on the way home with a newborn lol x
There definitely worth it, I got mine from argos like I say they are the colour ones, I got mine in black but I'm glad I changed them x
Weighed today and STS, god knows how but I'll take it!
Cocoa rice- 150 cAls
4 chocolate roses-213
Tuna sandwich 270
2 mini cupcakes- 100 cals
pasta bake-448 cals
chocolate sponge with custard- 305 cals
taxi bar- 132 cals
1618 total

Not a happy chappy today the bloody boiler has broken down n the insurance won't cover it..grr
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Not a great day so far
wheetaflakes- 117 cals
cheesy chips and beans- god knows
creme egg- 150 cals