Stubbseys Diary - back in the zone!

no exactly!! and as i said in my last text to him i have no more to say, he has left me alone... today i have felt sad but so so much better without all the negative texts coming in. Basically i do miss him, but not his warped slant on life and his odd attitude to how the whole relationship should work., he is a very selfish man, but then so many are lol... Even tho i feel sad i feel so much better!!

had oopsie cheese sandwich for brekkie with a bit of mayo and tomato in it
got roast chicken with rosemary and thyme on it today with veg and i cant wait i am starving!!
Feeling really blue right now, but found out why TOTM ... ugh going to need rescuing from myself big time tonight. Miss a certain nasty frenchman even more because of the blues.. why have scientists not invented a SAFE pill that takes totm away? need more female scientists!!!!! already felt the prick of tears once. felt the same last month, i dont usually suffer, wonder if things are changing and i am approaching menopause?? or if i have a bit of a hormone imbalance, or just a frenchman... hmmm could be any or all of the above.

went to the gym today, pushed myself, wore new gym wear and the workout trainers i got which were lovely, and worked so well with my anti blister socks.. its an exciting life eh... jeeeez i am feeling like a wet lettuce!!

had egg n bacon for brekkie, porkies for lunch and some prawns, chicken bacon thingy for dinner all very nice, got to try to stay away from anything else tonight combine totm with need for comfort and could be disastrous... thankfully i have not turned to food once!!

have a brill evening everyone
My emotions are all over the place every time. It's a cruel trick nature plays on us. Feel better love and well done on turning to the gym and not food - endorphins will make you feel better than carbs would xx
Thank you i really needed that! I have been so tearful tonight, i hate it. I dont know how much of it is him and how much of it is totm but all i know is its really horrible!
i think it was totm actually.... i noticed the last one effected me and they dont usually! i also started this one early for some reason, wondering if it is the start of the change, but knowing my luck i will be stuck with monthlies forever...

had a good day today, went to sunny Margate, went to see the very choppy sea in the wind... then had a drink, went shopping then cinema and dinner out. Saw the new Stallone movie, which someone had told me was not so good, but i really enjoyed it.. i love the old action movie stars, Arnie, Stallone, Willis the lot... lol

todays food... eggs n bacon, olives, chicken wings to start, then ribeye steak salad, flat mushrooms mmmmm
i will have to try that thank you, anything to stop this craziness... i have never been one to suffer with pms (except when i had a mirena coil) which is what makes me think my hormones are upset
D'you know, I wonder if it might also be related to a cold bug or something - I was all weepy last night - for no reason - and a work colleague just said the same thing...and we're both feeling a bit under the weather...

Just a thought.
Enormous hugs!!! I was a little astonished by so many ppl on here saying the painters came a week early! Mine did too, i wonder if its something to do with the pull of that comet?! For some enexplained reason they say our monthlies are tied in with the moon and the tides, so maybe its effected it pressure wise gravitation or some such thing. Or maybe i am barking!
Katie wrote a good piece on this some time ago, it's to do with hormones and ketones. Sorry I can't be more precise than that but it definitely has an effect. However I would like to believe that it's the full moon :D
yeah its a much more romantic notion of being at one with mother nature lol... i lost 4 lbs today.... blimey that is a mega amount for me to lose in one go