Such a slow loss all the time!

Hi Flopster,

Just wondering how you are getting on?

Restarted myself yesterday and in ketosis already:)

Two days nearer to my party dress:)

Hi Mini - whooohooo getting back into ketosis straight away, that is brilliant!

I am ok, struggling because I desparately want to get into the stone down but the weight just doesn't seem to want to come off BUT I'm in a size 16 jeans/trousers - which is just amazing for me!

Good luck and stay strong, you will do brilliantly, especially as you have so much support on here.
Hi Mini - whooohooo getting back into ketosis straight away, that is brilliant!

I am ok, struggling because I desperately want to get into the stone down but the weight just doesn't seem to want to come off BUT I'm in a size 16 jeans/trousers - which is just amazing for me!

Good luck and stay strong, you will do brilliantly, especially as you have so much support on here.

Hi Flopster,

Size 16 jeans is fantastic, I was in them and then grew out of them again!!!!

So hopefully I will get back again, I got lazy about my exercise and my tummy and hips got flabbier, so I have to get back into the habit and do a bit every day.

It just so easy to let good habits slide and for the bad ones to come back:(

When I was back eating food with CD I went back into stretchy pants nearly all the time for comfort and I knew that was a mistake:(

After wearing stretchy pants for years with elastic waist band I find it difficult to have something tight around my waist all the time and I am sure like new shoes I will adapt again...I hope.:confused:
Thank you for this post Mini - I haven't done my toning exercises for the past four days as the kids have disturbed me every single time I started them! Your post has just spurred me on to completely ignore them this time and to finish what I started!