Sunday weigh in!

I know people have generally said as long as you drink plenty of water you're breath shouldn't get too 'doggy' lol.

Good luck with your Sunday weigh-in today. xx
Hi is anyone still getting weighed on a Sunday. Scoobydo how are you doing

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I will restarting on Sunday. So it will be my weekly weigh in day :)
Hello I've just started day 1 so weigh in this morning at 12.1.8 ! I'm looking to lose 1.5 - 2 stone but in the meantime 1 stone will be amazing so I can fit into my clothes x good luck all
Hello I've just started day 1 so weigh in this morning at 12.1.8 ! I'm looking to lose 1.5 - 2 stone but in the meantime 1 stone will be amazing so I can fit into my clothes x good luck all

Good luck to you! :)

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Well done Cocopop sounds good :)
Well done Coco pop. A loss is a loss its all in the right direction x my weigh in is tomorrow x
I weighed in monday. Lost another 7lb. 28 in total now in 3 week x