Sunflower and seseme crackers


Full Member
Sunflower and seseme crackers

Just make these crackers from:


1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup seseme seeds
1/4 cup water

Using a food processor, blitz the sunflower seeds into a flour like consistency

Add the seseme seeds and pulse to mix

Add water a little at a time until it forms a thick paste

Place the mixture between two pieces of grease proof paper and roll out thinly,
Remove the top layer of paper, score mix into squares with a sharp knife

Prinkle with seasoning of your choice

Bake in oven at 350F (gas mark 4)
For 20 minutes, once cooled break into crackers.

Think I need to roll them a little thinner next time and turn the tray round halfway through as some were over cooked but the3h are really nice :) next time I'm going to add some herbs too.