Extra Easy Super Soup


Full Member
So I made a massive batch of this by following the recipe.....
However, has anyone used it too speed up weight loss and had a success they'd like to share. I could do with the encouragement really.

I had a gain after my holiday and just can't get back in zone. Today is my 2nd day of 100% and my second day of eating this soup.

Thanks Xx
Following the plans help your weight loss
This soup has a lot of ingredients in it, the one I've seen has beans and lentils and a ton of veg - this may all be speed or superspeed foods, but I'm sure a soup made with carrot, onion and tomatoes would help more......

Don't rely on one thing to give you a boost - vary your foods and follow the plans :)

You'll soon get bored of the same thing each day.
I made a superfree version of the soup this week so that I could have it on red or green days (so no lentils/baked beans/parsnips etc) am hoping it will give me a boost but wouldn't rely on it and want to have it everyday.
I left the veggies chunky and then today for my lunch had some lmc rosemary and red onion sausages in it to make it a bit different/bulk it up