Support. What Support??? Grrrr....MEN!!!

Any OH that waits until you get home to cook steak and chips when you are on your first week of L/T, needs to be deprived of sex!!
I agree and any OH who says you're too scrawny after getting
to target needs to go without as well ( as I told MINE last night !! LOL !! )
A feeder!! Haha...sorry been away for a while. My employer does insist that I work - How Unreasonable!

I'm not sure I could do the feeder thing. Last night was my third day and OMIGOD how HUNGRY was I?? I had to avoid the kitchen all together so he can feed himself! He's a grown man after all!

Whilst I'm on, I could do with some advice...Does this hunger thing get any better? My tummy is making the most incredible noises! Also can anyone advise me on the chicken soup? I decided not to get it in my first week and have been surviving on the shakes. I'm thinking about getting a few at my WI on monday but are they OK? Are they thick or just like flavoured water??

I think you will find that women also lack the same type of understanding and support.

My missus and mum included.
i decided right at the start that i wasn't going to tell any friends or family or my oh that i was on lt because i knew that i would get no support whatsoever !
I managed to get to my target weight using support from everyone on this site instead !

same here. I can appreciate what ur saying and what u must have been through. No one knows about me doin lt either... Not even my hubby. Its been so hard doin this diet without him knowing.... Really tough. But hey... Nearly there now.