Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

The first time I did. CD I went 12 weeks on SS that included 2 weeks in Florida, so this week is only a little achievement really, but I had a heck of a lot more to lose back then, I've been messing about so much this time bacuse I know if I set my mind to it it shouldn't take too long to lose this last bit. Trouble is lifes been getting in the way and I have only just set my mind to it 6 months later!
12 weeks! Wow, that's impressive. I think I'd be over the moon with 12 Keep going, WI is around the corner and it'll all be worth it then. Enjoy your sun!
you must go to the same gym as me lol. i was in the outdoor pool today with emily. we had a fab time and i just relaxed in the water. there was quite a few thinner peeps around the pool.
Ha ha David Lloyd by any chance?? Obviously I'm one of those rich skinny housewives with nothing better to do... I just couldn't be bothered to go lol. Not really, its one of my luxuries that I refuse to give up even if I don't go at the moment.

I really wish I had thought to take my swimming kit with me to work yesterday because it would've been gorgeous laid there. Mind it's probably a good job I didn't go because I've managed to burn my legs... arms and legs in the sun with the same factor sun cream on for same length of time, arms tanned, legs charred...typical!!
Stop Bingeing!

Stop Bingeing by Lee Jangoly is the most enlightening book I've read in a long long time. I openly admit I'm a binge eater, it's all or nothing for me, and I'm keen to break this cycle so I bought this book off

I think it's quite an old book but there were several copies available, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who thinks they have a problem with binge eating. I discovered that my problem is not as massive as I thought it was, I've identified trigger foods that set off a binge and I know how to fix it now. The book also goes into a lot of detail about metabolism etc, but in an easy to understand way.

I read the whole book in one day, it's really easy to understand. I'm so glad I bought it, so much so I wanted to share it with everyone because someone else might benefit too.
back on track

I've been off the diet for a while and have put so much weight back on i'm really annoyed with myself. I always have an excuse to not start but thats it i'm starting and i'm going to stick to it.
I hope you reach your goal for Vegas and New York, I love NYC and have been a few times, but would love to go when i've slimmed down to be able to spend even more money.
Morningggg surf wi day hun bun, good luck and let me know.!!

You have been really focused this week , well done x
Ha ha David Lloyd by any chance?? Obviously I'm one of those rich skinny housewives with nothing better to do... I just couldn't be bothered to go lol. Not really, its one of my luxuries that I refuse to give up even if I don't go at the moment.

I really wish I had thought to take my swimming kit with me to work yesterday because it would've been gorgeous laid there. Mind it's probably a good job I didn't go because I've managed to burn my legs... arms and legs in the sun with the same factor sun cream on for same length of time, arms tanned, legs charred...typical!!

yep DLs lol. there are a few rich skinny housewives there, one of which always wears sunglasses no matter if the sun is out or not. saw her in feb and asked kids lady whether she had something wrong with her eyes or not. very strange wearing sunnies inside/outside in feb. :D
have a great day today and good luck. sometimes i wish i was back on ss... so much easier than having to think about food. just too low now and i can't cope with even trying to go back to the 810.
Nikki, with the exercise you are doing I don't think you should be on that low anyway. Your basically on the same net intake as SS, so enjoy your food and dont feel guilty about it.

Surfy.....good luck!!!!! What time is WI? Will be back on here to check out how it went. x
WI is at 6 providing I don't have to stay back at work. If I do it'll be after 7. Hoping for the best x
Hi all, just got in from my WI, and I have lost .......... 8lbs!!!! Iknow I should be really pleased with that, it's way bigger than any losses I've had in a long time, but part of me feels really disappointed at not getting into the 12's. I know I'm being stupid and my CDC said I'll be into the 12's by tomorrow providing I don't blow it tonight.

I can't believe I'm disappointed with 8lbs it's madness, I am mad!! My first thought when I saw 13st was 'What can I eat tonight then?' I'm really struggling with it now. It's a very good job I haven't got anything in the house right now because I'd eat it. I'm so desperate to eat something!! 8 days in and right now I could eat my own arm. I'm sure this feeling relates to my WI, because I felt fine until then.

I really can't believe I'm being stupid over this, 8lbs is brilliant, and I'm sure when I get on the scales in the morning and I see 12st something I'll feel better, 1lb is a wee and a poo for god sake!!! I'll be okay tomorrow... I still can't believe I'm disappointed though.
Wow you little star. That is fab, but I know how you feel with the disappointment. I feel the smae after my WI, like haven't i been goo...NOW WHAT CAN I EAT.

Keep up the good work x x x
Hunni you have done bloody amazing!!! I am so so proud of you! We have done this together this week and you have helped me every step of the way!

That 1lb that you need to lose will be gone in a wee tomorrow morning haha!! Would you really want to eat something and have another week to get into the 12s instead of being there 2morrow??!

You have come so far and done so well... you are not bloody hungry that you wanna eat your arm haha, its ALL in your head because you feel depressed about your WI but DONT as you have done amazing!! You have worked so so hard this week and done so well and by tomorrow you will be where you want to be. An 8lb loss is so much better than a loss you would get on WW of 3lb haha! Come on cheer up and stop thinking about the negative and look at the possitive...

1. you have lasted 1 week on ss without any slip ups
2. you did it after trying since jan to get back on track (think of how long it took you to get back on track and YOU did it)
3. you had an amazing loss this week over half a stone!! :O
4. YOU will now be in the 12's tomorrow hehe!!
5. Even tho you feel depressed you have not gave in which means your still going to be in the 12's 2morrow!!!

Come on hunni put that smile back on your face because to be frank you have done BLOODY FANTASTIC!! I am looking up to you at the moment and your really keeping me going! I know you can get to where you want to be!!

I think you are a realy inspiration hunni, you should be jumping around with joy right now :D xxxxx
I'm starving right now, actual real genuine hunger, not emotional hunger because I've been feeling hungry for over an hour and the emotional hunger passes off if I ignore it for half an hour. I've still got my last shake to have and I just can't face it. I don't want to open the flood gates by having grilled chicken because I know if I do I won't stop at that, I'll go and get more....

I don't want anything sweet!!!! And the veg drink doesn't do it for me either, just had some.... I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and have my shake, hold my nose and down in one!!! I know I'll be okay in the morning, I'm just rebelling a bit.
Thank you Tasha, I know I'm being daft!! And don't worry I'm not going to throw it all away by eating now, there's no point in wasting this weeks hard work.
Yeah I will Shanny. I've just had a bar instead, I have a little stash of them for emergencies lol. I think I'd have been sick on a shake. I'm going to go and watch the rugby in my bed. Tomorrow morning I'll go on the scales and fingers crossed I'll be into the 12's. I've hung around in the 13s forever - I'm done with them!!!
lol yep time to say GET LOST TOTHE 13'S lol

what's your goal weight hun???? glad you had your last CD hun.

i hope to read soon that u are in the 12's.

and well done again. Nite Nite xx