Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

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I've been fine over the weekend thanks hun, I have no probs doing CD at the weekend because there's no temptations at my house. I even went into town yesterday and wasn't tempted by Starbucks or anything. Yay. I'm feeling starving now, but I'm due another shake so I'm off to get that.

I think my bro is doing just fine, but I don't think he'd admit to me if he's struggling, my Dad says he's doing fine. He's only got a couple of stone to lose so it won't take him long.

I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, I wish these next 3 weeks would fly past because I really need a couple of weeks off. Just to get away from all the stresses and the angst at work.
Sal when are you off to Vegas?? i love your postiveness at the moment sal.!
I wish i could leave the scales alone for as long as you have, yep have your shake soon hun.x
I'm off to Vegas in 106 days!! Woo doesn't seem that long now. Which is a bit scarey because it means that I don't really have that long to lose the last bit of weight thats been hanging around for the last 9 months. Urgh, it's so annoying that I've been messing about for so long, it should've all been done by now.

I'm feeling quite positive but I don't want to think too far ahead, or put too much pressure on myself. Its just under 4 weeks till I go to Wales with Mum and Dad and thats when I'm going to reassess what I'm doing. My brother said I can't keep doing CD for ever and he's right, there has to come a time when I move onto more conventional eating. I've been doing this again for almost a year and not getting very far. It helped me get off the excess weight I gained when me and AP broke up and also the weight I piled on at Christmas, I went up to 14st 9lbs after that, but now I'm back down to somewhere near 13st (I think - I hope). So I have lost weight, just not as much as I'd hoped.

Still 3 weeks left of ss so I'll see how that goes and how much I manage to lose. 4lbs so far.....
Well done for staying on track, I will be back on CD in 4 weeks.
Feeling happy about that but very scared aswell.
It does give you mixed emotions doesn't it Lyndzi? I swing from loving it to hating and resenting it. Mostly at the moment I'm resenting my thin friends, just for being able to eat what they like and not have to suffer the consequences like I do. But never mind, I'll get there in the end. Good luck with it when you do start back, I'll still be around, hopefully I'll have just moved up the plans by then! x
i too hate seeing thin people eat.... they eat (and drink) so much and stay so thin. i sniff a choc muffin and i put on weight.

anyway i'll see how things go. i've got my first week of my running plan. i've cut out the classes and all excess gym work. let's hope that i'll loose lots of weight. :D
Warning - Biggest Loser Spoiler Alert.

I'm having my weekly fix of Biggest Loser, I've said before that this programme really keeps me going, seeing these people putting so much effort into it shames me into staying on track. I know they all have so much more to lose than me but they do it with all their heart and soul!!

Each week there's a twist and usually the twist is a challenge thats won by a girll called Tracey who is a right *****, she seems to delight in causing trouble and upsetting people, and she's done it again this week, I don't know how she lives with herself. This week she's split up people who really rely on each other to pull each other through. One of them Lizzie, is really fighting back against her and I'm loving it!! She'll do so well in the meantime with her weightloss.

If I could spend a few weeks with trainers and chefs I could be at target in no time, I'd love it. I need to talk myself out of feeling like a failure, and start thinking about what I've achieved so far and seeing how close I really am.

In September when I get back from my jolly's in Wales I'm hauling my ass back to the gym, and starting running again, no holding back, I'll increase my calories if I have to...I can't wait to get back there, and also get back in the pool!!!
Cried my eyes out yet again at Biggest Loser - Go Shay, you can do it hunny!!! So exciting this week!!! No Coach Mo NO!!
flaming tracey's still in!!!! grrrrrrrrr
She's such a flipping drama queen, she annoys me!!! Argh poor Coach Mo, what a hero!! SO proud of Shay this week.... get me, they're like my friends now lol. Apart from Tracey though, annoying, selfish witch!!
i hate it when her mouth goes like a cartoon character and turns completely downwards like peppa pig.
Morning Missy! How are you getting on? Are you on SS at the moment? Whats the 1lb gain about?! Don't feel bad, mine is about 9/10lbs gain!
Hiya Kez good to hear from you. I don't know why the 1lb gain, did SS+ last week that's the only explanation.... I'm back on SS this week now as a result!! I'm only doing it for another couple of weeks then back up the plans I need to try and get some kind of normal eating habits back which I'll never be able to do while I'm on cd. So I'll be going back to SW to lose the last bit of weight once I've finished going up the plans.

I still don't know how much I weigh but I'm going to find out at next WI because I think not knowing is going to start working against me. I've tried on various clothes I own and I 'think' I'm about 13st so I'm going to see on Wed I think....
ooo so exciting. i think that you'll have a good loss this week and you'll be 12st 9.5lbs :)
Oh I really hope so, but I might be way off the mark with my estimation. I might weigh closer to 13 and a half stone, which is also why I need to find out this week I think.

I don't know what's wrong with me today, I've been up and down to the loo so many times but I haven't particularly had more than usual to drink. I'm hoping it's water retention coming put and I'll have a decent loss this week! 3 or 4lbs will be great please!!!!
Hmph I've just washed my hair and I'm not a happy bunny, it's started to fall out again :( I'm not too worried about it, it happened the first time I did CD. I know I won't end up bald or anything because I have tons of hair, it's just a major pain in the butt!!! I'm going to spend the next couple of months hoovering up everytime I brush my hair, grrr! I guess it's extra exercise, and the fact that it's happening now means it'll be fine by Vegas.

What a bloody pain, I thought I'd avoid this by not being 100% all the time:(
mine's dropping out but i think it's to do with my iron levels being low and not the diet.
I'm blaming the diet only cos my irons fine, and it happened before. But it's no biggy apart from all the hair in the drain, in the brush, on the floor, everywhere!! It needs a cut too but daren't go to the hairdressers while it's like this cos it freaks her out.