Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida

Ah hun :( You knew it was going to be like this to begin with, but you had to face it some time? If not now, in the future.

Did you weigh with CDC?
I've just got in from Zumba, I enjoyed it so much, I'm totally unco-ordinated but it was fun, haven't sweated so much for ages!! And an hour long session burned between 500 and 800 cals woo hoo!!

Food diary

Breakfast - 156 cals 1.8g fat
Weetabix chocolate (2) - 156 cals

Lunch - 268 cals 5.1g fat
Asda chicken and veg soup 144 cals
Mullerlight 90 cals
Asda chopped apples 54 cals

Tea - 528 cals
Asda Good For You Chicken & Ham Pasta - 438 cals
Shape yog- 90 cals

Snacks -
Snack sized crunchie - 80 cals
Snack sized flake - 80 cals

Total - 1112 cals

Cals burned at Zumba approx 533.
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Aww sal I'm a zumba lover do it on Tuesdays, a class I will never give up. Fab for toning too.

Glad you had fun, that's the main thing alongside the calorie burning too. X
Well seems so far so good as far as getting back to normality.... Apart from gaining weight that is, I've slipped a bit with my food diary but I've been sticking with 1000-1200 cals a day and I'm still gaining. :( now I'm not naive enough to think I wouldn't gain a bit but it doesn't seem to show signs of stopping.

I'm terrified of gaining all my weight back because I've fought too hard and too long to let that happen. I'm finding it so much easier to make the right choices food wise but I want to see results again, not massive losses but small regular losses. Am I completely broken after spending so long messing about with CD?
you'll be fine. you just need some sort of kick start. remember to drink the water, even though you are not on cd, it will help you detox and keep the water retention to a minimum.
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

great things said:
you'll be fine. you just need some sort of kick start. remember to drink the water, even though you are not on cd, it will help you detox and keep the water retention to a minimum.

Ha ha how quickly I forget about retention and it's retention time of the month again so you'd think I'd learn not to trust PMT weeks weight. Mum told me today that green tea is good for your metabolism, been drinking it without realising so hopefully things will start to happen again soon!!

Will keep up with drinking water and body brushing! Thanks Nikki x
Re: Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

I feel physically sick, just been to Tesco to see if they had any nice tops for my holiday, I found a few that I liked but was completely devastated to find that the 16's wouldn't fasten and the 18's were even a bit tight for comfort.

I'm so upset I cried all the way home, what the hell can I do? I'm trying do hard to maintain, and I'm getting bigger again. I surely can't live on CD for the rest of my life just to maintain. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me... I'm sure my thyroid function is fine because apart from the weight I have no other symptoms... What can I do??? I can't bear it, my holiday is on the verge of bring ruined because my holiday clothes are on the tight side.. I can't bear the thought of doing SS again because I need to be normal again, feel normal....

Sorry I'm hormonal as it is without feeling so enormous :( :( :(
Re: Re: Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Surfhunny said:
I feel physically sick, just been to Tesco to see if they had any nice tops for my holiday, I found a few that I liked but was completely devastated to find that the 16's wouldn't fasten and the 18's were even a bit tight for comfort.

I'm so upset I cried all the way home, what the hell can I do? I'm trying do hard to maintain, and I'm getting bigger again. I surely can't live on CD for the rest of my life just to maintain. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me... I'm sure my thyroid function is fine because apart from the weight I have no other symptoms... What can I do??? I can't bear it, my holiday is on the verge of bring ruined because my holiday clothes are on the tight side.. I can't bear the thought of doing SS again because I need to be normal again, feel normal....

Sorry I'm hormonal as it is without feeling so enormous :( :( :(

Get exercising like crazy. You can drop a dress size as you tone and the results won't take too long at appear. Running is the best. You can do it!
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Nikki, I really feel for you. I think many of us can relate to how you feel about the difficulty maintaining - which is why most of us put some weight back on. Losing it really is the "easy" bit.

Maybe post a food & exercise diary in case there is something that someone else spots that might be sabotaging your efforts.

Rosie xx
I am so dedicated to getting fit and losing weight that I went to Zumba with a broken toe tonight. I broke it at work this morning :eek:(

I know I'm mad but I really didn't want to miss it. I had my toe strapped up in A&E earlier and superstrong pain killers and was fine to Zumba away. I'm probably going to be in agony later as the painkillers wear off but I had fun and it was well worth it!! In fact I deserve to lose weight through sheer dedication and determination!

I've found that my idea of having a shake for breakie, proper lunch and shake for dinner seems to be working. I know it's not strictly CD 1000 but I trying to get some weight shifted before Vegas, and I can't bare to do any lower plans. I hope the combination of this and exercise works! Don't like feeling fat!
you must work out your BMR and work from that. remember that you need to eat 500 cals less each day than your BMR suggests to loose 1lb a week.

your poor broken toe, yep, you are going to hurt later. :( hope it's not too bad!
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Oh my god I'm furious!! I posted on the official Cambridge Weightplanners forum the other day asking advice about maintenance, I explained I was trying to stick to 1000 cals, did not mention that I was eating off plan or anything like that, and they have removed my post and the replies and accused me of making up my own plans.

Granted I have had a week off plan so to speak but I'm now doing 1000 and have given the 'officials' no hint that I'm not I cannot believe in this day and age I am being censored for no reason. I won't be using that unhelpful forum again, official one or not!

I think the real reason I got censored was because I said that the Cambridge stance was that if you didn't go up the plans you would gain the weight back - which if you read any of the maintenance posts on that forum, is pretty much the answer you get.

I won't be surprised if this post gets censored too but minis is much more supportive than the 'official' site! Grrrr cross!!!!!
Re: Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Surfhunny said:
Oh my god I'm furious!! I posted on the official Cambridge Weightplanners forum the other day asking advice about maintenance, I explained I was trying to stick to 1000 cals, did not mention that I was eating off plan or anything like that, and they have removed my post and the replies and accused me of making up my own plans.

Granted I have had a week off plan so to speak but I'm now doing 1000 and have given the 'officials' no hint that I'm not I cannot believe in this day and age I am being censored for no reason. I won't be using that unhelpful forum again, official one or not!

I think the real reason I got censored was because I said that the Cambridge stance was that if you didn't go up the plans you would gain the weight back - which if you read any of the maintenance posts on that forum, is pretty much the answer you get.

I won't be surprised if this post gets censored too but minis is much more supportive than the 'official' site! Grrrr cross!!!!!

The official response to me asking for evidence was to give examples from this diary and a couple of other peoples on here. I wish when they made notes of my diary entries etc they looked at the dates and time scales between posts.

Accordingly, I have wasted peoples time who were trying to help me by misleading them, so sorry for that everyone!!! If I didn't rely quite so much on the support and friendship of the people I have met through minimins I'd consider removing myself from here too, but I will miss everyone too much.

So here is where I stand right now, for complete clarification, I am doing the CD 1000 plan until I go to Vegas when I get back I will reassess whether I need to go back to 810 for a while!!
i also found the CD website unsupportive and was contacted by an admin on here asking to alter what i wrote sally.

the truth is that the official cd website changed. i used to use it all the time and had many friends on there when i first did cd but when cd took it over and made if the official website things changed and the friendliness of it all went. i found some of the people not pleasant and the response of the admins on there abrupt and rude.

you might find that your post was removed cause it linked minimins.

just do what you feel is right and bog the rest.

doing the 1000 to plan or not is hardly the point. you need support loosing weight and have been on cd and are now gaining. you needed some help with direction and purpose. just stick on here. i've never gone back as i found it shocking. bet they've lost many people that way!

p.s all i asked for was a link to the recipies which used to be on the site.... got loads of ache back from it.
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

God I'm hungry, I had my two shakes and saved my meal for after the gym yesterday, it was quite late when I got home but still forced myself to eat it, but this morning I'm starving!

Today will be a bit tricky, it's my goddaughters first birthday and she's having a tea party, more for us than her really lol, and I'm nights tonight. I struggled on the lower plans when I'm nights so I'm saving my breakfast cals (shredded wheat) to have later tonight.

I was so proud of myself at the gym yesterday, I ran 2 kilometres which in the scheme of things isn't much but it's a long way for me. Then I did interval training on the bike for half an hour.
rather than focus on running constantly why not turn to fat burning mode. fast run then walk. doing 1 min at a time. you'll up your metabolic rate faster and burn more cals and fat. running 2k is fab it's like 1.2 miles :D if you want more of a fat burn and can handle it why not up the walking to 2 mins and add a hill incline then drop back for 1 min slow running and 1 min fast running. so...

1 min slow run
1 min fast run
1 min walking on a hill gradient
1 mins walking on the flat to prep for running again. do this like 5 times.... there's 20 mins and a good cal and fat burn.
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

That sounds good I'll give that a try. I wasn't intending to run for that long, but I felt okay so just carried on until I couldn't do it any longer. I'll try your suggestion, I do interval training on the bike, which is totally knackering but good fun. X
Re: Operation Showgirl - Fit for Vegas!! The Fear :eek:(

Last nights night shift was rough, not busy just looooong and tiring, but I still managed to drag myself to the gym, even though all I wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed.

I feel better for doing it though. I decided I wad just going to have a swim and sauna but once I got here I couldn't resist the call of the gym lol, so I spent am hour in the gym THEN went for a swim and sauna, and now I'm just sitting in the club room drinking lovely hot coffee and watching the 'ladies wot lunch' chatting with their plum in their mouth accents. Lol.

I wish I could do this everyday because I'd be thin in no time, I love it here!
:D i love it too! it's very addictive though.
Hi surf hunny,

Hope u dont mind me posting, been lurking for a while and always find time to read your diary and white tulips.

You're very honest in what you write. I hope your new plan is going well and those pounds are dropping back off, i know how frustrating it can be tho when you want it so badly but the scales dont seem to budge but keep going, you can do this xx