suzi calling carly82

Carly needs to throw a strop right now, please Suzie get her to, it would be just what the doctor ordered. While she is at it, you throw one as well would be good to see the 2 of you in action.
Thanks Suzie

Yes I have thrown a mini strop at stupid unsupportive diet buddy!!! Diet buddy no more!! She whinges at me day in day out with her excuses as to why she HAD to eat pizza instead of stick to her diet - the excuses are endless! but aparently I am not allowed to whinge !?


*throws water bottle at laptop*
*screams at top of lungs at silly cow*
*deletes email*
*will not email again until there is an apology*

Take that!!

HAHA Loving this stropping! I could get used to this :)
How are you today DramaQueen1 aka Suziemo?
Good I hope :D How's the diet going?
Had any good strops recently? ;)
